Teller Report

Billions of investments in progress - but a lack of skills worries Norrbotten's entrepreneurs

1/15/2020, 6:58:37 PM

Over 300 billion is invested along the Norrland coast for the next 20 years. Welcome investments but the downside is that many companies can find it difficult to get hold of competent personnel.

- Even today, many of the county's companies point out recruitment problems as the biggest obstacle when they want to grow, says Lars Lindberg, who is the regional manager at Företagarna.

"It's tough"

One of the entrepreneurs who fear increased recruitment difficulties is Andreas Kylmänen, whose company manufactures positions for the construction and industrial sectors. It is already difficult to obtain trained personnel.

- It's tough. There are almost no unemployed scaffolders. We train the ones we deem appropriate, but it is not always enough.

Biggest investment

The recruitment problem is greater in Norrbotten than the national average. The urban relocation in Kiruna is, of course, one of the largest investments.

- It is a challenge for us, says Andreas Kylmänen. We cannot compete with the miners in terms of salary, so we must try to get people here on the coast to take jobs there.

The biggest investment, however, is the wind farm in the Markbygden area of ​​Piteå municipality where 60 billion is estimated to be invested in the next 20 years.

- It is basically very positive, but dilutes the already fierce competition for the workforce, says Lars Lindberg.