Teller Report

Anti-Semitism, Count: Professor Milena Santerini national coordinator

1/15/2020, 10:20:06 PM

The teacher will have to coordinate the fight against anti-Semitism. He is vice-president of the Shoah Memorial Foundation in Milan


January 15, 2020 "Italy on Friday will have the 'National Coordinator for the fight against anti-Semitism'. We will appoint Professor Milena Santerini to the Council of Ministers". This was announced by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on twitter.

Milena Santerini, born in Rome in 1953 but Milanese by adoption, is professor of Pedagogy at the Catholic University of the Heart of Milan, vice-president of the Shoah Memorial Foundation of Milan, member of the National Didactic Council of the Shoah Museum in Rome and the CDEC (Contemporary Jewish Documentation Center).

She is a collaborator of the FIDR (International Forum Democracy and Religions) for the promotion of the integration of religious minorities in Italy and member of the Community of Sant'Egidio since 1971. In the last legislature she was elected in the ranks of Civic choice. Last year she was awarded the order of Knight for the merit of the Republic.