Teller Report

"Meteorology": clear weather until Saturday and a gradual rise in temperature

1/15/2020, 10:09:20 PM

The National Meteorological Center expected that today's weather will be fairly cloudy in general in general, with increased relative humidity at the end of the night until tomorrow morning, indicating that the wind will be northeasterly to northwesterly, light to moderate in speed, with a speed of 38 km / O on the sea thats

The National Meteorological Center expected that today's weather will be fairly cloudy in general in general, with increased relative humidity at the end of the night until tomorrow morning, indicating that the wind will be northeasterly to northwesterly, light to moderate in speed, with a speed of 38 km / O on the sea, which is the average wave in the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman.

During the current week, the country was exposed to a surface air depression in the east and north, and a surface air elevation in the west, accompanied by an upper air depression, which increased the chances of rain falling on separate areas of the state, especially the northern and eastern regions, and the freezing rains on the mountain peaks that continued until the morning yesterday.

The center reported that tomorrow's weather will remain fairly partially cloudy in general, with a gradual rise in temperatures and continued increase in relative humidity at the end of the night until Saturday morning, indicating the possibility of light fog forming on separate areas.

And on the weather condition at the beginning of the week, the center pointed out that Saturday will remain clear to partly cloudy in general, with increased relative humidity at the end of the night until Sunday morning, while the wind is southeasterly to northeasterly with light to moderate speeds, sometimes active.

And the center expected that the weather will return next Sunday to partly cloudy in general, to become cloudy with evening and night, especially north, while the southwesterly winds will turn to a northwesterly moderate speed, which will be active during the night, especially on the sea.

To that, member of the Arab Federation for Space and Astronomy, Ibrahim Al-Jarwan, stated that with the rise of the stars of bliss at the dawn of January 15, the cold season began in the Arabian Peninsula, and the people of the Badia called it “the season of the Shabbat” and the time of “cold ventilation” at the time of all the people of Arabia. The cold season is three: the square is the first cold, the ventricle or the stomach of the cold or the middle of the cold and its intensity, and finally the scorpions the end of the cold and have cold stings.

He added that the season of Shabbat has the stars' stars, the stars of Al-Naim January 15, and the town of January 28, which is characterized by its coldness and the formation of frosts, especially if the winds of the north blowing in it are blowing through it.

Its cold is also called the cold of blue, where the extremities glow from the severity of the cold, and it starts early on the date of the stallion of the palm tree, it appears about 26 days and starts January 15 and ends with February 9.

He pointed out that in the heritage calendar, there are so-called “forty days”, forty days beginning with December 28, their cold is more severe, and “forty scorpions” forty days start with February 6 and their rain is more general.