Teller Report

The State Department warned of the consequences of the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq

1/14/2020, 8:16:25 PM

The withdrawal of US troops from Iraq may lead to the departure of the entire international coalition and the resumption of activity of the Islamic State terrorist organization *. This was stated by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Middle East Joey Hood.

“If you vote for the withdrawal of US forces, then all the coalition partners will leave with them, and then investors,” he said during a speech at the Institute for Middle East in Washington. His words are quoted by TASS.

According to him, "in this case, it is highly likely that the IS will return."

“So we need to negotiate and decide what will be good for both sides,” added Hood.

Earlier, the German Foreign Minister said that the operation against terrorists in Iraq should be continued, and the withdrawal of troops could strengthen the IG.

On January 10, Iraq called on the United States to send representatives to develop mechanisms for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Iraqi territory.

The State Department later said the United States did not intend to discuss the withdrawal of US troops with Iraq.

* “Islamic State” (IG) - the organization was recognized as terrorist by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014.