Teller Report

The problem of a young entrepreneur from the Emirates

1/14/2020, 11:10:37 PM

A message from a citizen youth, I received via e-mail, is not the first of its kind, its content is regretted, unfortunately, it revolves around the lack of interest in youth projects, and the difficulty of communicating with some government officials who are directly supervising the financing of small and medium projects.

A message from a citizen youth, I received via e-mail, is not the first of its kind, its content is regretted, unfortunately, it revolves around the lack of interest in youth projects, and the difficulty of communicating with some government officials who are directly supervising the financing of small and medium projects.

This young man says in his message that he is a novice entrepreneur, who started his career four years ago, when he came up with a distinctive idea, an implementable and very important electronic idea, as he found that there is no search engine on the Internet, similar to «Google», in the Arab world, especially in The Emirates, so he and a colleague began programming the idea, and in a short time everything was ready.

And he continues: «In February 2019, we launched the website officially on the Internet, to become in a very short time the fifth largest search engine in the world, and that more than half of our users, who are estimated in thousands per day, come to visit the site from America, Canada and other European countries», and this matter He encouraged them to present the idea to a number of entities, the last of which was the "Shahir" fund, and after months of discussions and contacts they were allowed to present the idea to a specialized committee, and on the second day after the presentation, they were contacted by e-mail by an employee, to tell them that the committee had "Dazzled" their project, and they agreed to provide 300,000 dirhams of financing The development of the project, and they want to increase the amount of funding in the future due to its importance, saying to them, he will begin preparing legal papers in the same week, to end legal proceedings.

Of course, none of this talk happened, and every time we ask that person about any developments, we are answered with unclear and unconvincing answers, not only this, but this employee, who, by the way, is Asian, communicates with us, and asks Accurate information and numbers about the number of our international users, and we provide him with what he wants, and we used to make a great effort and time to prepare monthly reports with numbers to send, and after five months this employee simply sent a WhatsApp message saying, "Our request for funding has been rejected!"

The young man continues his conversation with sorrow: We tried to communicate with the fund manager, he refused to meet us on the pretext that he was busy, we asked him for an appointment even if after three or six months, but they refused because his schedule is crowded, we tried to communicate with anyone there but unfortunately we did not find anyone to hear, we just want to We tell them that this is not an ordinary project, it is neither a café nor a Burger restaurant, it is a search engine programmed in the UAE to compete with a global company like Google, and this market is very huge, and there are four search engines worldwide (Google, Bing from a company Microsoft, Chinese Baidu, and finally Russian Yandex), and we've become number five, but to this day we haven't found anyone to tell These wholesale!

It is really sad, for such young men want those who encourage and support them, even if their idea is not convincing to this official, it would have been more beneficial to sit with them and understand them and direct them, for responsibility does not mean sitting in an ivory tower, but rather serving everyone!

Personally, I am very sympathetic to these two young men. I certainly cannot evaluate their project, and I cannot be certain of its success, but I did what this young man asked me in his message, when he said: “We did not find anyone hearing us, can you publish our story only?”

twitter @ samialreyami

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