Teller Report

Picture postcard sent by Keiko Arimoto one year before abduction is found

1/14/2020, 7:34:31 AM

About a year before Keiko Arimoto, an abductee from Kobe who turned 60 on the 12th, was abducted about a year ago, he was a college student from London, where he studied abroad.

Postcard sent by Keiko Arimoto one year before the abduction can be found on January 14 at 16:27

About one year before Keiko Arimoto, a 60-year-old abductee from Kobe City, was abducted, a postcard was sent from London, where she studied, to her friend, a college student. The woman she received said, "I want Keiko to return home as soon as possible," and called for the government's efforts to return home.

Keiko Arimoto, 37 years ago in 1983, finished studying abroad in London at the age of 23 and traveled to Europe, celebrating his 60th birthday on the 12th without being abducted by North Korea and returning home. Was.

Around a year before Keiko was abducted, I found a postcard I sent to my college friend from London, where I studied abroad.

On a postcard depicting the Big Ben, the clock tower of Parliament in central London, Keiko said, "It's been 5 days since I came here, but there are sightseeing spots nearby and it's very nice. The people are very kind and it seems they can do it happily. "

The 60-year-old woman who kept the postcards said, "I was very surprised when I learned that Keiko had been abducted when she was in college when she said she wanted to go to London. I want it. "And called for the government's efforts to return home.