Teller Report

Forecasters warned of new temperature records in Russia

1/14/2020, 6:07:25 AM

Meteorologists said that Russia is expecting new temperature records, this is reported by Izvestia.

According to weather forecasters, on January 16, the thermometer columns in the central part of Russia can rise to +5 ° С.

Minus temperatures will come, but this winter will still go down in history as the warmest in more than 130 years.

According to preliminary weather forecasts, spring will also be warmer than usual.

“According to my estimates, the spring will be warm, the temperature in March - April is expected to be above normal. By May - June, the weather will return to its usual indicators: in May it will be +18 ° C, in June - +21 ... +22 ° C. That is, everything is as it should be, ”said Evgeny Tishkovets, a leading employee of the Phobos weather center.

Earlier, the acting director of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, spoke with the NSN about the possible reason for a warm winter in Russia.