Teller Report

Doctors resign from hospitals to denounce lack of resources

1/14/2020, 9:52:48 AM

Several hundred heads of department at the hospital have decided to resign administratively to denounce their deteriorated working conditions

The emergency services of the Timone hospital in Marseille (illustration image). - BORIS HORVAT / AFP

  • Several hundred heads of department at the hospital have decided to resign administratively.
  • This paperwork strike aims to denounce the deteriorated working conditions and the lack of means in the hospital.

" It's urgent ". In a letter that will be delivered this Tuesday to the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn and that 20 Minutes was able to consult, hundreds of French hospital service heads announce their "unprecedented and difficult decision to collectively resign from their [functions] or mandates" this Tuesday. In question ? The emergency plan to save the public hospital announced by the minister last November, in their eyes far from the needs. "It is too little, too partial, too spread over time," denounces this letter, written on the initiative of the Inter-Hospitals collective.

After marching in the street, the heads of departments of several French hospitals therefore decided, as a cry of anger, to strike ... the paperwork strike. "Personally, I don't think the strike, which would again penalize users, would be timely," explains François Luneau, head of the obstetrics and gynecology service at the Avignon hospital, which is participating in this movement. Access to hospital care is quite complicated like that: try to make a random appointment with any practitioner… ”

"A recurrent understaffing"

According to this practitioner, the working conditions in his department are no longer tenable. “In our service, there is a recurrent understaffing which forces us to recruit at an exorbitant price replacement doctors. The problem has been well known for years, but nothing is moving. "

A complex situation common to several French hospitals, according to Jean-Luc Jouve, head of the pediatric orthopedics department at La Timone, in Marseille. “The state of French public hospitals has deteriorated significantly over the past twenty years, regardless of the government in place. In my department, three nurses are absent following a pregnancy. And they are not replaced, since I am told that my workforce is complete ... on paper. Currently, we have four beds that are not occupied due to staff shortages, out of a total of 18. ”

"Doctors can't keep up anymore"

According to Jean-Luc Jouve, “we end up with a general management which is an accounting department, with people who say that the objective is to be in financial equilibrium, even if it means closing beds. Currently, doctors can no longer keep up. We are forced to cancel complex surgical procedures for lack of anesthesiologists. "

And to regret: “we are also faced with a problem of maintenance of the premises. People come to operate there from all over France in our service, which is ranked first in the Point classification, but come and see the condition of the rooms. The service has not been changed in thirty years. It is not up to fire standards, like all of Timone. "

Such working conditions also create a vocations crisis which darkens the future of the public hospital a little more, according to these angry doctors. "I've been working at the Avignon hospital for 20 years," says Philippe Masson, head of the neonatology department. At the time, when I found this post, it was the royal road. Today, people no longer want to work in the hospital. Given the salaries, the job cuts, they want to leave. I have seen people cry in their services. In mine, there are five of the six doctors over the age of 55. And when these people leave, we cannot replace them. There is no one behind who wants to take over… ”According to the Inter-Hôpitaux collective, 1,200 heads of service will resign administratively on Tuesday.


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  • Marseilles
  • Health
  • Deficit
  • Hospital
  • Resignation
  • Doctor