Teller Report

Boeing plane turns into a children's library in Mexico City

1/14/2020, 5:52:37 AM

A Mexican official announced today, Monday, that the Boeing 737 plane has been transformed into a library for children and adolescents in one of the most crime-prone areas in Mexico City.

A Mexican official announced Monday that a Boeing 737 has been turned into a library for children and teenagers in one of the most crime-ridden areas in Mexico City.

A spokesman for the Iztapalapa district, Martin Padilla, said the plane had been out of service a few years ago, after being used for two decades.

The Aztabalapa district has the largest population and the highest crime rates among the 16 districts of Mexico City.

Padilla said in statements to the German news agency (dpa) that the district administration had purchased the plane from the Mexican airlines (Aviaxa) that no longer exist.

Padilla pointed out that the library is equipped with 240 books and 2,400 books in PDF format, in addition to audio books, 26 computers and a flight simulator where children can play with experimental aircraft.

A second library - made of a Boeing 757 - is also scheduled to open as part of the neighborhood's plans to promote culture and social integration.