Teller Report

Bolaño case: the judge acquits Ignacio Echevarría of the widow's accusations

1/13/2020, 6:49:25 PM

Justice has rejected the demand of the widow of the writer Roberto Bolaño, Carolina López, who accused the literary critic Ignacio Echevarría of violating the right to h

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Justice has rejected the demand of the widow of the writer Roberto Bolaño, Carolina López , who accused the literary critic Ignacio Echevarría of violating the right to honor and personal and family privacy in two articles that appeared in the cultural supplement El Cultural y El País . As La Vanguardia advanced last Sunday, the court number 9 of the first instance of Barcelona has decided that Echevarría neither attended with the honor of the author of The Wild Detectives nor made a profit at his expense, made by which López asked him 150,000 euros.

The widow and the children of the writer, Lautaro and Alexandra, who also signed the lawsuit, will then have to bear the costs of the trial, which was held in mid-December in the City of Justice in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat. During the trial, in which the editor Jorge Herralde and the literary agent Andrew Wylie testified, the prosecutor joined Echevarría's defense thesis and also urged the judge to dismiss the lawsuit.

It is not the first time that the widow, an unquestionable heiress of the rights of the writer, goes to court . Two years ago he brought Carmen Pérez de Vega to justice , who in the last six years of Bolaño's life had maintained a sentimental relationship with him, as several witnesses said in his day. This was ruled by the judge, who considered it proven that the relationship had existed, although he sentenced Pérez de Vega to a fine of 35,000 euros for violating family intimacy.

On that occasion, Carolina López and her children asked Pérez de Vega and the journalist Mónica Maristain, author of The Son of Mister Playa, for moral damages 250,000 euros. In that book the author's last relationship of 2666 is narrated and it is stated that Bolaño and López were separated, although not officially in recent times, before Bolaño died in 2003. There are already two judicial setbacks that Carolina López accumulates .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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