Teller Report

"You will be missed by everyone", AVB pays tribute to Paulo Gonçalves

1/13/2020, 8:16:36 AM

André Villas-Boas sent a long message to the Portuguese pilot who died on the Dakar 2020

André Villas-Boas - Daniel Cole / AP / SIPA

Having participated in the Dakar in 2018 and been forced to retire from the fourth stage, André Villas-Boas knows the hardness of this race. Paulo Gonçalves, motorcycle rider who died on the sandy roads on Sunday, had let him know, a bit of a joke, when he met him before leaving for Lima two years ago. AVB says, in a post on networks. "So mister trainer, what are you doing here?" Be careful, it's not football. Good luck ! "

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Querido Paulo cruzamo-nos pela primeira vez nas verificações administrativas do Dakar 2018 em Lima. No teu tom firme, gozão mas semper simpático disseste: “Então Sr. Treinador o que é que estás aqui a fazer? Olha que isto não é futebol pá! Boa so! ”Não era futebol não. Era a tua prova, a tua aventura, o territorório que semper dominaste com Afinco, sabedoria e valentia. Wave venceste etapas, caíste wave, wave you rising, sweet wave, choraste and sofreste. Na mesma prova demonstraste ao mundo o que é ser solidário, perseverante, amigo, companheiro, determinado e veloz. Todos reconhecem em ti a tua nobreza de espírito. Todos vão feel a tua falta. Um gentleman de punho cerrado para a pista e sorriso aberto para a vida ... assim te recordarei para semper. Aos amigos, familiares, à esposa e aos filhos do Paulo os meus sinceros pêsames. Rest in peace. #rip #paulogoncalves #dakarrally

A post shared by André Villas-Boas (@officialandrevillasboas) on Jan 12, 2020 at 4:22 pm PST

And to embark on a long tribute to his compatriot. “It was not football, no. It was your ordeal, your adventure, the territory that you have always mastered with determination, wisdom and courage. Where you won stages, where you fell, where you got up, where you sweated, cried and suffered. In the same event, you showed the world what it is to be supportive, persistent, friendly, determined and quick. Everyone recognizes in you your nobility of spirit. You will be missed by everyone. "

Paulo Gonçalves had finished second in the 2015 edition and won three stages on the Dakar throughout his career.


Dakar: "It's very moving, there is not much to say", Fernando Alonso and the pilots collapsed by the death of Gonçalves

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  • Auto Moto
  • Marseilles
  • André Villas-Boas
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