Teller Report

Grahn: "The attack game was under all criticism"

1/12/2020, 7:37:30 PM

Sweden failed to secure the group victory against Slovenia. The reason, according to SVT Sports national team expert Magnus Grahn, was an all too bad offensive game. - The attack was under all criticism, he says.

After the crusade against Switzerland where the attacking game clicked, it was a completely different feeling in the match against Slovenia. There were 19 goals ahead, where SVT Sports national team expert Magnus Grahn thought the offensive game should have been significantly better than they showed in Scandinavium.

- Crutches went on the whole match. Sweden had no solutions to the low defenses of the Slovenes. It was a pretty pleasant trip for the Slovenes because Sweden's attack game was just too bad. Sweden is and should be better than they did today, he says.

Sweden had an important puzzle piece away from the team in tonight's match. Albin Lagergren missed due to injury. But despite missing Sweden's only left-handed nine-meter player, Grahn thinks Sweden should win a match against Slovenia.

- I think Sweden should win against Slovenia in any case. We should be better, we are better. But not today. Today Slovenia was better, they fooled us in their defense game. We played very center-centered and there they had two big granite blocks.

Missed Lagergren

But Grahn still saw that the Swedish game suffered from not having a left-hander on the nine-meter line.

- You saw it clearly. It was seen early on that Sweden lacked a left-handed nine-meter player. Especially Lagergren who is a very good player. He was needed, because he has something that I think Sweden generally lacked this match. He dares to go in the wide game and pull apart and lie far out against the edges of his game.

Now Grahn wants to see focus on the offensive game ahead of the continuation of the European Championship.

- We need to find more solutions in seizure plays. And it's not just solutions, we have to push the pace harder. The tempo is almost what I am most annoyed at, that the tempo is so low. That we have problems when we do not have a left hand, I can understand that. But it was such a slow pace, it annoys me more.