Teller Report

Amelia Valcárcel: & apos; & apos; democracies are in danger of being destroyed from within & apos; & apos;

1/12/2020, 2:49:30 PM

It is a phrase made, but Amelia Valcárcel does like a finger ring: she has no hair on her tongue. She, who contrasts what she thinks with minds like those of Hume, Hegel or Roussea

  • It is a phrase made, but Amelia Valcárcel does like a finger ring: she has no hair on her tongue . She, who contrasts what she thinks with minds like those of Hume, Hegel or Rousseau, warns of the current political situation in Spain and elsewhere, and denounces that rent bellies are a new slavery for women.

A youth episode of Amelia Valcárcel illustrates her untamed character. It happened when I studied Philosophy in Oviedo and lived in a major school. He hung a room in his room that reproduced one of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which refers to freedom of expression. '' They ripped it off, so I hung it up again twice as big and, when I came back in the afternoon, it had also been ripped off. So every day until, based on adding pages, the poster occupied the entire wall. Finally, an order arrived saying that any schoolboy was forbidden to have posters in his room. I have never seen a look that condemned me more to hell than that of the young woman who was in front of me when Camilo Sesto's was removed. ''

Valcárcel (Madrid, 1950), feminist philosopher, Minister of State, Vice President of the Board of Trustees of the Prado Museum and Professor at the UNED, has just published 'Now Feminism: Hot Issues and Open Fronts' (Ediciones Cátedra), where she makes a timely and scholarly journey through the history of the movement since its inception three centuries ago with the birth of Modernity to the present day, where he warns of the danger that in the name of a 'just cause' slavery 'be protected as rent bellies and advocates the universalization of feminism as the main challenge because, he says, "an injustice cannot be protected by tolerance."

Very cultured woman, with a stately and somewhat stubborn, Valcárcel says that she has no television , that she gets incognito in Forocoches to press public opinion or that she does not go to the cinema because she does not like to watch a film surrounded by people. With training in Humanities, the philosopher gives a lesson on feminism, alert against the danger of parties like VOX (which she never quotes by name) because they can 'destroy democracy' or draw attention to the evils of telebasura.

Amelia photographed at the Circle of Fine Arts in MadridSilvia Varela

I DONATE Why do you say in your book that women have a 'right to Evil'? Amelia Valcárcel ..- The female sex has since ancient times the duty to please. Feminism has always avoided, moreover, felt panicked at the idea that their work and struggle were interpreted as a "war against men." From the beginning it was tried to be labeled as resentment and those who exercised it as resentment. This is accompanied by the feeling of shame for the simple fact of being a woman, the patriarchate tells you "you are a little less, do not show your voice, your body ...". However, I still don't know what kind of fuel cholera is. Women must be peaceful not because we are by nature, because some are and others are not, but by conviction. What is that mystique of femininity of which you speak? This is a war against the unfair privilege of men over women in a very special framework. It is not the domain of one class or one race over another, men and women live together and need each other, they cannot be separated. This generates very special power relations. Here the myths are very important and that of the original sin of the Bible explains that it was Eve who introduced death into the world. Another myth is that there were matriarchy in history, when women have never had power . Because of our need to look for symmetries, stories emerge, like those warrior warriors of Greek antiquity that never existed. Talk about three feminist waves, the last of the 60s. Is the current boom with #MeToo not a fourth wave? a happy advertising idea, but we cannot speak of the fourth wave when many of the objectives of the third have remained unfulfilled . What is true is that the #MeToo is new. It arises when women, having conquered spaces in their new freedom, were living in a forced silence about things that happened to them in these new spaces. 20 years ago, a character like Strauss-Kahn rapes a keli and they shut you up. Now, shame has changed sidewalk. What are the biggest challenges of feminism? To become global, because it cannot have only political space in the West. India is a country where being born a woman can be terrifying. A woman from Sierra Leone in tights going cold on a Spanish road will never be there because she likes it. It is no good to invoke tolerance to cover up racism and total disrespect. If citizenship is common, the common rule must be found. Nor can we allow it to be misrepresented for other purposes contrary to its principles. The concept of "reproductive rights", which was derived from the defense of the right to abortion, is used to justify rent bellies. This concept is used to defend a new slavery, because women who lend their womb do not do it for pleasure but for economic necessity. What do you think of the political situation in Spain? If we look at the general picture of Europe or America, what We call the West, anyone realizes that democracies have a problem. They can be destroyed from within. They have very little resistance. The main manufacturing country in the world is China, it is not a democracy and does not intend to become one. The world has become too small and the butterfly effect is true, what happens in one place immediately affects the other. And at this moment, it happens that all democracies, which are open systems, are developing an undemocratic opinion within them. And what about the sentence of the process? I cannot give an opinion because I am a State Councilor and I comply with the sentences. I think the solution to the so-called Catalan problem is through dialogue, it is necessary. Can we live an authoritarian involution in the next few years? I don't know, I'm not a prophet. Today, social conquests are still in force , universal public health exists, universal education works, the universal forecasting system against varied misfortunes there, the protection of the elderly exists ... Perhaps not all of them in the economic amounts that exist in other countries, where people are backed up more strongly, but have not broken yet. Now, what is being presented is something else, an undemocratic opinion within open societies. What do you think of expressions such as the progressive dictatorship or gender ideology? I am forced to contrast what I think with the greatest intelligences that they have existed in the history of mankind, not with the occurrence of the last press office. When I try to understand something, I help people like Hume, Locke, Hegel, Voltaire, Rousseau, Montaigne or Montesquieu. Philosophy allows you to abandon immediacy a bit. And in this case, in addition, we don't have to do that party the favor of talking a lot about him. Unemployment and inequality encourage populism? Why is there a 60% unemployment among young people? It has to do with that we don't make strainers. I mean milk strainers. It is the Chinese who make the colanders, the bread graters, the combs, the current instruments of use. All those unemployed people should do strains, but they don't want to. Many complain about immigration, but do they want the jobs that immigrants do? Maybe we have a small problem with expectations. Especially since there are people with expectations well above what they can reach. Why does this current disaffection for democracy exist? We see that people who have very little insertion and closeness to the mechanisms of power themselves pass from politics. Those who have many interests to safeguard never pass, are constantly watching. The secular illiteracy of Spain for a long time has become many literate people who are functionally plebe, who do not have the right level of conversation. When we see that people massively choose a dreadful television that entered our country thanks to Berlusconi, we have to worry. I met him and it is a danger to democracy. Did you know Berlusconi? I have spent seasons in Rome and have met many people. Thank God, I met him little. Many people leave politics bitter. How was your experience as a Minister of Education and Culture of Asturias in the 90s? It was a sacrifice that I made, I also wore Sports and I added Woman because maybe it seemed little. I learned a lot, how to manage a budget and how is the State Administration. It is not abstract politics but you really see how it is done. And you realize that everything works pretty well. If it were not so, we would not have endured so many months without government. Fortunately, the public service works.

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