Teller Report

Yemen calls on the Security Council to put more pressure on the Houthi militia

1/11/2020, 10:04:58 PM

Yemen's permanent representative to the United Nations, Abdullah Al-Saadi, renewed the Yemeni government's call to the Security Council to exert more pressure on the Houthi coup militias, to implement the council’s decisions to reach a comprehensive political settlement to the conflict in Yemen that meets the aspirations of all people, in peace and security.

Yemen's permanent representative to the United Nations, Abdullah Al-Saadi, renewed the Yemeni government's call to the Security Council to exert more pressure on the Houthi coup militias, to implement the council’s decisions to reach a comprehensive political settlement to the conflict in Yemen that meets the aspirations of all people, in a sustainable peace based on agreed references , And promote the factors of economic and social development and progress. This came during Yemen's speech delivered by Al-Saadi at the session of the open debate on international peace and security, in the presence of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres. He noted the efforts of the UN envoy to Yemen to reach a comprehensive political settlement in Yemen, which has been suffering, for more than five years, an unjust war waged by the Houthi coup militia supported by the Iranian regime. Al-Saadi said that despite the militias ’continued intransigence and commitment to implement the relevant agreements and Security Council resolutions, the latest of which was the Stockholm Agreement, the Yemeni government has always expressed its sincere and serious desire to achieve a just and sustainable peace based on the three agreed references, It is the Gulf initiative and its implementation mechanism, the outcomes of the comprehensive national dialogue conference, and the relevant Security Council resolutions, foremost of which is resolution 2216 (2015), and it is keen to prioritize the interests of the Yemenis in achieving their dreams in a new federal Yemen, which reflects the interests and aspirations of the people, and represents a strong tributary A region and a bond of brothers and friends ».

The Yemeni government has expressed its sincere desire to achieve peace based on the three references.