Teller Report

Who is Frédéric Longuépée, the new boss of the Girondins?

1/11/2020, 8:16:46 AM

Since the ouster of GACP, the former leader of the FFT and PSG has full powers at the club

Frédéric Longuépée, CEO of Girondins de Bordeaux. - NICOLAS TUCAT / AFP

  • Frédéric Longuépée has been the CEO of Girondins de Bordeaux for several weeks.
  • Recognized for his work and his results, the former leader of the PSG is a personality difficult to tame.
  • A man in the shadows, he is now on the front line at the club.

From the shadow to the light. For several months, Frédéric Longuépée has been in the spotlight. Appointed deputy chairman of the club and operational referent on site when the Girondins were bought in November 2018 by the American investment funds, King Street and GACP, the former leader of the French Tennis Federation and of PSG has since December 16 obtained full powers.

King Street's initial choice, he is now the CEO of the club after the ouster of GACP and Joe DaGrosa. Despite the ongoing conflict with supporters, the one who competed in the gymnastics events of the Seoul Olympic Games in 1988 was alone in charge. He has the “support and total confidence” of the owner.

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- 20minutesbordeaux (@ 20minutesbord) December 16, 2019

A difficult man to tame

Since his arrival in Gironde, we cannot say that Frédéric Longuépée's life has been a long, calm river. Acclimatization is complicated. It must be said that the former business student denotes. Very secretive, difficult to access, it is described by many as "distant and cold" at first. If for some, like one of his close Antony Thiodet (ticket manager), it is "only a professional posture and he is still in an observation phase", others admit to having trouble:

It is very difficult to have your trust. He remains very distant apart from his restricted circle (Heidi Verdet, James Moy, Thomas Jacquemier or Nicolas Calo). It is not really present among employees. It does not go around. The first time he toured the offices was last November on the advice of his communications officer. He lived a bit in his ivory tower.

He defends himself from this distance, he prefers to explain that his position was very difficult vis-à-vis GACP. Since then, he has tried to put water in his wine. Frédéric Longuépée, for example, regularly organizes breakfasts with club employees according to our information. Today, the situation seems to be calming internally around the new boss.

Known and recognized skills

In the sports world, the CEO of Girondins is above all recognized for his work. Wherever it went, it had results. This is one of the reasons why King Street bet on him. “It is a size in its field (generate income). In the Top 3 in France. He is very demanding, very meticulous… His results speak for him ”according to Antony Thiodet who has known him for almost 20 years. A former club employee explains the "Longuépée" method:

He is a very rigorous person. He preaches work. As soon as you show competence, it releases the pressure a little and empowers you. But he still has trouble delegating.

As a good president, he wants to control everything and above all expects results from his teams. He knows he is awaited on this subject by his owner, reminds a manager: "These people are new and not necessarily football experts so for the moment, they want to give him a chance especially after the departure of GACP. "

If the ticket office is not doing too badly, other sectors are below targets according to our information. But many believe in the skills of Frédéric Longuépée, even his most fervent detractors: “We no longer want him as president. It is crisp and clear. If they want to keep it at all costs they put him general manager. Everyone says that he is good at least on this… ”, said a member of the Ultramarines recently.

Minimum communication

If his qualities are therefore known and recognized in certain areas, the new Bordeaux boss will have to develop others. First, its communication. It is not Jean-Michel Aulas who wants. It is necessary, for example, to know how to adapt to the media time of a Ligue 1 club. For the moment, it is not obvious for this man in the shadows. There too, to defend himself, he argued that his position with GACP did not help him, particularly in the conflict with the Ultramarines.

If Antony Thiodet, also under the fire of criticism, does not want to speak of clumsiness on this subject, he recognizes some dysfunctions: "I put myself in it of course but one carries perhaps a part of responsibility in this conflict. We were badly organized with a complex organization chart for everyone… ”.

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Today, Frédéric Longuépée is on the front line. He can no longer hide: “It is true that he is different from these predecessors. But all of them had difficulties with the supporters. It is not a question of anyone, ”recalls one of his collaborators. Sportingly, he plans to rely more and more on Eduardo Macia, the club's football director, with whom he builds a strong relationship and who has all his confidence.

Because today, apart from Paulo Sousa, nobody talks to the Girondins de Bordeaux. The Portuguese coach, communication expert, stands up but a little support would not hurt him as when his team is eliminated pitifully in the League Cup in Brest. Frédéric Longuépée claims to have understood this. It is better because today, he is no longer a simple manager but the CEO of Girondins de Bordeaux with full powers. A luxury but above all an immense responsibility.


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