Teller Report

Crash in Iran: Zelenskiy addresses the nation and calls for an investigation in Tehran

1/11/2020, 10:28:35 PM

Iran has acknowledged that the Ukrainian Boeing PS752 was shot down near Tehran on January 8 by a missile fire resulting from human error. In Kiev, the reactions are tinged with indignation and relief. President Zelenskiy welcomes that ...

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in Riga on October 16, 2019. Gints Ivuskans / AFP

Iran has acknowledged that the Ukrainian Boeing PS752 was shot down near Tehran on January 8 by a missile fire resulting from human error. In Kiev, the reactions are tinged with indignation and relief. President Zelenskiy is pleased that the truth has come to light so quickly. Ukrainian diplomacy, which has kept a low profile in contrast to American, Canadian and British accusations, has emerged stronger.

With our correspondent in Kiev, Sébastien Gobert

" I will return the bodies of each of our victims, their families will be able to say goodbye. We will honor their memory . " Very dignified, tired, Volodymyr Zelenskiy addressed the Ukrainians after a last telephone conversation with Iranian President Hassan Rohani.

In the sensitive context of tensions between Iran and the United States behind the drama, diplomats and 45 Ukrainian investigators at work in Tehran have been among the most active in establishing the truth about the tragedy since the 8 January.

The analysis of a black box and the discovery of marks of impact of shooting on the reconstituted cabin formed in particular a body of undeniable evidence. This work was carried out in secret, in order to facilitate negotiations with Tehran and encourage the authorities to admit their responsibility.

► Read also: Crash of Boeing 737: Iran pleads guilty and evokes a "human error"

After the public admission of the Iranians, Volodymyr Zelenskiy now demands the repatriation of the bodies of victims, compensation for their families, and a full investigation without delay or obstacle, which should last for several months.