Teller Report

An injured man seeks out the emergency in Gothenburg - police investigate murder attempt

1/11/2020, 7:13:29 PM

A bullet wounded man came to Sahlgrenska Hospital on Saturday evening. Police are investigating attempted murder or murder.

At 18 o'clock on Saturday evening, a man with a gunshot wound came to Sahlgrenska Hospital in Gothenburg.

"We get calls from the emergency about a man in his 20s with a gunshot wound to the leg," says Martina Saghamre, police officer in the West Region.

The man, who is already known by the police, is awake and talkative and has therefore been able to be heard immediately by the police.

- He doesn't want to talk to us so we have no real idea of ​​what has happened. At present, it is very clear. It can be anything from an accident where he has shot himself to someone else has done it consciously.

"High police presence"

Since the police do not have much information to go on Saturday night, there is also no suspected offender.

- We will try to hear the man again tomorrow. Now we don't even know where this has happened, says Martina Saghamre.

The police have launched a preliminary investigation into attempted murder or murder.

- We are working with a fairly high police presence in parts of Gothenburg to try to find out what may have happened here.