Teller Report

A hundred years later, the “roaring twenties” are back

1/11/2020, 2:10:35 PM

On the occasion of the entry into the year 2020, "20 Minutes" plunges into the roaring new years

Paris in an apocalyptic future ... The world of tomorrow could sink into madness. - Grandfailure / Getty Images

  • The 2020s of which we can already perceive the signs have a taste of deja vu.
  • On this occasion, 20 Minutes offers a dive into the decade to come, and it is not always pretty.
  • The “worrying twenties” promise to be like the roaring new years.

The world is entering a new decade and taking the opportunity to wink at the past. A hundred years later, the “roaring twenties” are coming back to the tips of their noses. From the “roaring twenties” [the roaring 1920s], carried by a creative euphoria and an almost fanatic belief in the industrial revolution, we are entering the “worrying twenties”, as the big study called it. from Ipsos Trend Obs 2020.

Faced with a society increasingly concerned by the climate emergency, blinded by the digital revolution and plagued by mental disorders of all kinds * (anxiety, burnout, depression, addictions ...), the parallel with the 1920s is almost too much obvious. The “Roaring Twenties” are back! But madness has changed its face. The extravagance and lightness of an era experienced by the Great War returns in the form of disenchantment and affliction with, in the background, the fantasy of the apocalypse.

From sweet madness to end of world anxiety

The vital urgency germinates in the anxiety of the end of the world and the theories of the collapsologists who prophesy the collapse of the thermo-industrial civilization. The return to oneself, to the local, to the intimate is spreading everywhere as a remedy for the contradictions of society. Failing to be able to change an increasingly complex world, we refocus and work on ourselves with mindfullness meditation and alternative therapies.

What does this new decade hold for us? Thibaut Nguyen, director of the Trends & Prospective department at Ipsos, talks about The world in 2035 seen by the CIA, and the National Intelligence Council: The paradox of progress, published in 2017. Three scenarios emerge. A fragmented, fragmented world, where more and more walls are erected; a world made of transnations in the vein of the novel Dune , currents that aggregate around a religion, a vision of the human, an economy and an OS (an Apple nation facing a Google nation); or, a satellite world plunged into a technological cold war which lets big powers clash? The next ten years will tell us. Until then, happy reading and a happy new year!

* According to the WHO, more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression, the leading cause of disability. More than 260 million have anxiety disorders. A large number live with both pathologies.

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