Teller Report

VIDEO. Oprah Winfrey denies advising Meghan and Harry

1/10/2020, 10:25:57 AM

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have announced that they will "withdraw" from their duties as prominent members of the Royal Family

Host Oprah Winfrey - Armando Gallo / Zuma / Starface

Since Meghan and Harry's announcement to "retire" from their positions as prominent royal family members, all eyes have been on Oprah Winfrey. The prince worked with her on the documentary series devoted to mental health and the queen of the American media was invited to the royal wedding, but she denies having any responsibility in their choice.

"Meghan and Harry don't need my help to find out what's good for them." They matter to me and I support whatever decisions they make for their family, "said People, who is also an actress.

A brand

Page Six had announced that Oprah Winfrey had worked to get Archie's parents to settle in the United States and make their couple a brand - a bit like the Beckhams or Beyoncé and Jay-Z. Because this is apparently what the son of Prince Charles and his wife want, who, in June 2019, asked to file the term "Sussex Royal". A request officially released last month, as the BBC noted.

In official documents, it can be seen that this copyright concerns many derivative products, including books, calendars, clothing (shoes to sportswear including socks, gloves and jackets), educational material such as textbooks, in addition to health services (support groups, counseling), cultural and educational activities, and charitable activities such as fundraising. So many possibilities, therefore, for those who announced that they wanted their financial independence.

This request is certainly not at all to the taste of Queen Elizabeth II, as is the way Prince Harry and his wife acted. According to British public service, the monarch is "injured" by their attitude and a source confirmed to BBC crown specialist Jonny Dymond that "no member of the royal family has been consulted" before that this decision not be made public.

BREAKING A palace source tells the BBC that senior members of the Royal family feel “hurt” by the announcement that Harry and Meghan are to withdraw from their current Royal roles. The source confirmed that no members of the royal family were consulted.

- Jonny Dymond (@JonnyDymond) January 8, 2020


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  • Prince harry
  • Family
  • People
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • Meghan Markle