Teller Report

Protesters in Marseille block traffic at Saint-Charles train station

1/10/2020, 9:49:51 AM

For seven hours this Friday morning, the trains have not been running due to a demonstration against the pension reform

A TER train at Marseille station. - PATRICK VALASSERIS

Train traffic was completely interrupted Friday morning at Saint-Charles station in Marseille, where a hundred striking demonstrators had descended on the tracks, we learned from concordant sources.

"Since 7 am, a hundred demonstrators on the tracks completely blocked the traffic," said SNCF to AFP, information confirmed by the police.

No trams and few buses

On the Marseille public transport side, due to the blocking of a bus depot and a strike movement, the RTM (Marseille transport authority) indicated that no tram was running on Friday morning, and few buses.

"There are about a hundred pickets at the Rose depot [north of the city], since 3 am," said a spokesman for the UD-CGT.

The metro ran normally Friday morning, said RTM


Strike of January 9: Why is transportation running (rather) well in the big provincial cities?


January 9 strike: Close to 1.3 million demonstrators in France according to the CGT, 452,000 according to the Ministry of the Interior

  • Pension reform
  • SNCF
  • Marseilles
  • Society
  • Strike