Teller Report

Macron passes his big oral before the Climate Convention

1/10/2020, 6:58:23 AM

Drawn by lot, the 150 members of the Citizen Climate Convention must make proposals to the government to fight climate change

Emmanuel Macron, January 7, 2020 at the Elysée Palace. - ELIOT BLONDET-POOL / SIPA

It is the first time that the Citizens Climate Convention (CCC) has received the Head of State. Emmanuel Macron is scheduled to come and discuss this Friday with the 150 French people who form this citizen council, about their proposals to fight against climate change.

This meeting is held at the request of CCC members. They have been working for four months on ways to "reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030 compared to 1990". “It is good that Emmanuel Macron is moving halfway through our work. It will publicize the Convention and breathe new life into what we are doing, ”said Pierre Fraimbault, a 49-year-old caregiver and one of the 150 citizens drawn.

The promise of “without filter”

Expected at 6.30 pm in the hemicycle of the Cese (Economic, Social and Environmental Council), the president will say a few introductory words before "answering questions and interacting freely with the whole of the Convention", said the organizers . "The objective is to exchange", underlines the entourage of the president, "not to influence the work of the Convention".

Because it goes to the credibility of this unprecedented exercise in participative democracy in France, which Emmanuel Macron launched last spring in response to the "great national debate" born of the crisis of "yellow vests" and the rejection of the increase in the carbon tax. Like other members of the CCC, Pierre Fraimbault “expects the president to remember his commitments to the fact that all of our proposals would be received without filter and that he would have the political courage to validate what 'we will propose'.

On April 25, 2019, Emmanuel Macron had indeed declared: "What will come out of this Convention, I agree, will be submitted without filter either to the vote of the parliament, or to a referendum, or to direct regulatory application". This system of “citizens' agreement” has been used in particular several times in Ireland, leading to referendums on the legalization of abortion or marriage for all.

Meeting three times

Since October, members of the CCC have met three times to examine, hearing from experts, on five themes: moving, lodging, food, production and working and consuming. Some are also working on cross-cutting issues such as funding or the advisability of revising the Constitution. Already, some elected representatives of the majority express their fears that certain proposals of the Convention are too radical or costly, and therefore difficult to gain acceptance and to implement.

The deputy Mathieu Orphelin (ex-LREM, close to Nicolas Hulot) welcomed this week "the strong ambition" of the first tracks of the Convention, in particular on the fight against the artificialisation of soils or the strengthening of energy renovation. "Citizens have understood this better than many politicians: much more needs to be done!" ", He stressed. This weekend's session should be devoted to examining the first proposals with the aim of finalizing them by the beginning of April.


Citizen's Climate Convention: The great beginnings of an "unprecedented experience of democracy"


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