Teller Report

Drawing info: five years later, Charlie Hebdo's tribute to the dead

1/10/2020, 3:40:40 PM

Five years later, multiple tributes were paid to "remember" the victims of the January 2015 attacks on Charlie Hebdo. Nicaraguan designer Pedro X. Molina, member of Cartooning…

Five after the terrible attack that plunged the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo, cartoonists around the world are "still Charlie".

Tributes multiplied, Tuesday, January 7, for the designer Charb, the caricaturists Cabu, Wolinksi, Honoré, Tignous, the economist Bernard Maris as well as the chronicler and psychiatrist doctor Elsa Cayat, the bodyguard, Franck Brinsolaro, the corrector Mustapha Ourrad, Michel Renaud, all coldly shot on January 7, 2015.

For its anniversary issue released Tuesday, Charlie Hebdo denounces the "new gurus of formatted thought", by headline: "New censorship ... New dictatorships".

For cartoonist Pedro X. Molina, member of Cartooning for Peace, Charlie Hebdo represented a light that continues to guide press cartoonists around the world today.

Cartooning for Peace is an international network of cartoonists committed to promoting, through the universality of press cartoons, freedom of expression, human rights and mutual respect between populations of different cultures or beliefs.

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