Teller Report

Art goal in the European debut by Valter Chrintz

1/10/2020, 9:55:40 PM

There are different ways to make a first impression in a championship debut. 19-year-old Valter Chrintz chose to do so with a real splendor goal in the European Championships against Switzerland.

Sweden got a taste start at the European Championship in the premiere victory against Switzerland. Afterwards there was much talk about Andreas Palicka's convincing goal selection game, but also a young debutant who got the chance - and took it.

It was almost like you got to rub your eyes. A kind of gymnastics in the air space when Chrintz on the back dotted the ball.

The young IFK Kristianstad talent made his national team debut when he played - and scored - in an international match against Norway in April. He has also played top matches in the Champions League but has never shown up in a championship context.