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Trouble in the British Palace .. What does Prince Harry and Meghan retire from royal life mean?

1/9/2020, 10:19:51 AM

Najwan Ahmed

"We pretended to be brave ... but the pain is indescribable," those words in which Prince Harry tried to sympathize the British press did not succeed in stopping him and his wife Megan Markle, and despite the passage of three months since the small royal family announced their desire for a quiet life out of the spotlight, Painful things led the couple to announce their retirement from royal life and the determination to financial independence away from the British royal family, immediately after returning from a six-week royal vacation in Canada.

The official account of Prince Harry and Markle on Instagram announced their retirement from their royal role as Duke of Sussex after months of internal thinking and discussions, while emphasizing their full support for Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles - Prince of Wales - and Prince Harry - Duke of Cambridge - and all related parties.

The couple also indicated in their statement their intention to live between Britain and North America, taking care to raise their only child in accordance with the royal traditions in which they grew up.

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“After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution. We intend to step back as 'senior' members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen. It is with your encouragement, particularly over the last few years, that we feel prepared to make this adjustment. We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honor our duty to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages. This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity. We look forward to sharing the full details of this exciting next step in due course, as we continue to collaborate with Her Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and all relevant parties. Until then, please accept our deepest thanks for your continued support. ”- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex For more information, please visit (link in bio) Image © PA

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) onJan 8, 2020 at 10:33 am PST

The palace trouble
For his part, Buckingham Palace issued a short statement describing the talks with the Duke of Sussex as being in its early stages, and although the palace understood their desire to take a different approach, this is a complex issue that will need more time to succeed.

The statement, issued a few hours after Harry and Markle announced the retirement of royal life, did not disclose the reasons that prompted the couple to make this decision, despite repeated royal denials of differences between the brothers Harry and William and their wives Megan and Kate Middleton.

A statement from Buckingham Palace regarding The Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

- The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) January 8, 2020

But it is clear that Queen Elizabeth was not consulted in this decision, which was described as frustrating for adults in the royal family.

What does retirement from royal life mean?
According to royal traditions, the decision must be approved by the Queen, and it may require approval by Parliament, which is why the couple will retain their royal titles, especially since their exit was not associated with a scandal or a royal crisis, and according to expert of the British royal family Marilyn Koenig in a statement to Time Magazine, the Harry and Markle will continue with their charity work and duties towards the Royal Family if they so wish.

Material independence
How will the Duke of Sussex depart from the royal family? This is the most prominent question after they announced the retirement of royal life, especially that Prince Harry does not have a private business and gets his basic income from the revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall administered by his father Prince Charles, and its revenues amounted to 21 million pounds in 2018, and the British government covers 5% of The official expenses of the Duke of Sussex, in addition to the wealth that Prince Harry and his brother Prince William inherited from their mother, the late Princess Diana, a revolution of 21 million pounds.

It is unlikely that Prince Harry will be required to pay taxes until he finds an alternative job, just as it is unlikely that Markle will return to acting again, especially since she has confirmed many times that she will dedicate her life to charity and the empowerment of women.

Royal scandals
Prince Harry's retirement was not the first in the history of the royal family, but was preceded by his grandfather, King Edward VIII - the uncle of Queen Elizabeth II - who abdicated the throne of Britain after his marriage to the American Wallis Simpson in 1936.

The crisis erupted at the time after Edward was installed to the throne and announced his marriage to a divorced woman twice, which was forbidden by the church, as the king is the supreme head of the church, and the prime minister opposed marriage, and accused Edward of violating the royal protocol, but what made it more complicated The issue is that Wallis had not yet officially separated from her second husband, which means that the king was in an illegal relationship with a married woman, forcing Edward VIII to abdicate less than a year after his inauguration, and to spend the remainder of his life in exile until his death in 1972.

Who does not like Markle?
Many were allied to reach the situation to this degree of complexity, but the advertiser is the dissatisfaction of Prince Harry with the "tabloid press" bullying his wife, the pursuit of the media for his family, and the fabrication of lies about them, who emphasized that he feared for his family the fate of his late mother Diana.

It was not the lies alone that aroused the ire of the small royal family, but the revelation in the history of Megan Markle, a well-known American actress, as the press revealed her beginnings as a dancer girl in competitions programs, where she wears an exciting red dress among a group of girls on TV shows, as well as re Distributing poorly produced films during which the young actress plays minor secondary roles.

Helped by rumors about Markle her father's attempts to appear repeatedly in the media, the father that the Duchess has always tried to hide from the scene, but he insisted on begging his daughter to forgive him, and he appeared in the image of her father's disabled daughter.

The mockery of Meghan Markle's brown features was incredibly striking, when the BBC's editor published a satirical post-Maryle and Harry's first birthday announcing the couple's appearance as if they had given birth to a monkey, forcing the network to dismiss the editor and apologize to the royal family.

Internal differences
Rumors have not ceased since the first day of Markle and Harry's marriage about the differences between the brothers Harry and William due to the female jealousy between Meghan and Kate Middleton.

The British press supported Middleton at the expense of the American Markle, as the first has always been described as meek and innocent, while Megan is accused of being arrivalist with many demands.

Despite royal attempts to hide the differences between the siblings, and described the two wives as loving sisters, Megan and Harry's decision to move to a separate house last summer confirmed the rumors.

Prince Harry is the sixth candidate for the British throne to succeed Queen Elizabeth II, as rumors are raised about the Queen's intention to abdicate to her son Prince Charles, who is likely to abdicate directly to his eldest son, Prince William, which is well received by the British.

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