Teller Report

The mild winter - both good and bad

1/9/2020, 7:19:45 PM

Winter has been mild so far and December was warmer than normal. The fact that it is not so cold affects, for example, anti-slip budgets.

- Obviously, this means that our economy looks better linked to snow and anti-slip, says Isak Malm of Gotland Region.

Saves money on reduced snow clearance

It is not only in Gotland and in southern Sweden that the winter has been mild, but it has so far been largely in the whole country.

The map on the left shows the average temperature for December (1961-1990). The map on the right shows the deviation in December 2019 against the normal average temperature. Photo: SMHI

There are obviously mixed feelings about the winter weather, but from a snow removal perspective it could hardly have been better. The snow plows have not yet been out on Gotland and the number of days when Region Gotland had to sand the roads can be counted on one hand.

Increased cost of dirt roads

But the savings that the Gotland region is making on reduced anti-slip measures will probably be eaten up by the impact of the warm winter on individual gravel roads with state grants that the region manages.

"The gravel roads take so much blow, so this is the first time we know that we are out in January and both gravel and planes," said Isak Malm, Head of Technology Management at Region Gotland.

Dirt roads strike the wet weather. Photo: SVT

- What we "take back" on the anti-slip and snow removal, we unfortunately have to spend on other activities instead, he notes.

See more in the clip above.