Teller Report

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry summons the Iranian ambassador and expresses its refusal to hit military bases in the country

1/9/2020, 10:46:28 PM

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said that it had summoned the Iranian ambassador in Baghdad to inform him of the Iraqi government's rejection of the attacks on camps inside Iraq that include Iraqi and non-Iraqi forces.

The Foreign Ministry added that the Iranian ambassador was represented by the charge d'affaires, because the ambassador was not in Iraq.

She explained that the Chargé d'Affaires was informed that she considered Iran's bombing of the "Ain al-Assad" military base in Anbar Province (north of the country), and the "Harir" military base in Erbil (Iraqi Kurdistan Region) last Tuesday, "a violation of Iraqi sovereignty."

The ministry called on all parties concerned to show restraint, and not to make Iraq a battlefield to settle scores.

She said it was confirmed that Iraq is an independent country, and that its internal security is a priority and adult concern.

In another development, Iraqi security sources said that a missile landed Thursday evening in the Fadlan area in Dujail in Salah al-Din Governorate (north of Baghdad). The area is located near the "Balad" air base, which contains American forces.

The sources pointed out that the missile did not result in casualties, adding that its source was unknown.

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