Teller Report

Planet Calleja: The ovaries of Ana Botín

1/9/2020, 9:40:22 AM

To know what a person really is, do not listen to what others say about her, but what she says about others. Maybe this popular phrase could be applied to Ana Botín, s

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To know what a person really is, do not listen to what others say about her, but what she says about others. Maybe this popular phrase could be applied to Ana Botín , just maybe, and after having the opportunity at Planeta Calleja last night to hear not what they say about her, but what she says about everything.

You have to have them square, round, triangular or 3D to be one of the most powerful people in this country (and many others), be one of the most criticized people, one of the most hated people, one of the most pointed people ... and make the decision to leave the interviewed character-journalist interviews, the press conferences, the communiqués and stand in a program that is broadcast in prime time, which will be seen in all in the Mediaset channels to show, first, what she, and nothing more than her, wanted to show , and, second, to let see what you had never seen before, even knowing that they will give you everywhere . And that's what Ana Botín did last night. And that is what is called new communication policies.

Television and entertainment have become a great platform for politicians, businessmen, gerifaltes, executives and members of the high spheres of power to give the other side or, at least, the friendliest face - let them tell El Hormiguero -. More than giving it to show it.

The program last night of Planeta Calleja and Ana Botín was entertainment, but with a background and a very clear objective: to show the most unknown side of one of the most powerful women in the world . And to do that you have to be very clear that you have to do it and, second, be aware that you say what you say and do what you do will give you right and left blows . Ana Botín already counted on it. Ana Botín did not put her face, Ana Botín returned the blow.

And he returned it, or rather, he returned them with the advantage that pure and hard entertainment television has, with the advantage of the friendlier face of the media , with the courtesy of a program and a presenter than in any I was going to make it difficult because Jesús Calleja does not make it difficult for anyone.

There will be many spectators who may think that 'I also expose myself', and they don't lack reason. But the reality and those of us who follow Planeta Calleja know that it is not a complicated program, that Jesús Calleja is not going to put you on a break, more than playing the guy climbing mountains, climbing cliffs or traveling to Greenland to see first hand The effects of climate change. No, Jesús Calleja does not seek to puncture and see if his guests bleed, Jesús Calleja seeks to meet the guest and do so in a difficult environment where that difficulty causes them to open more than they intended to open.

The hidden side of Ana Botín

I have to admit that after watching the program last night I am still not sure if Ana Botín opened what she wanted to open or that Jesus Calleja got her to open what she never thought she was going to open. It is difficult to be clear considering the work it takes to maintain the image of a woman like her, everything behind it, all the tools, all the measures, all the data ... But what I am sure of is that it He saw an Ana Botín who had never seen each other , and that, no matter how much she wants to criticize her, must be applauded.

That a woman like her, the daughter of one of the most powerful men in Spain and the world, feels in the middle of the glaciers and faces and answers issues that she would probably never face in that way and with so much exposure is a lot More than we can believe .

That they defend themselves when talking about evictions , ensuring that "since 2012 the banks have not evicted anyone" and that "we are very responsible since then" is to open wounds that have not yet healed and hurt, but opens them and he knows that they will fall on all sides, but he says it and it will be seen later; or that the financial rescue rescued the boxes and not the banks, and that "it was the banks that helped rescue the boxes," is to hear something that seems to have been heard a thousand times in recent years (and probably like this), but a press release or the second on board is no longer saying it, now the one at the top, the one in charge , is saying it .

There were many things left in the inkwell, but to all that Jesus Calleja asked, Ana Botín responded . That the answers were more than studied, it may be that a part of them, but I refuse to think that in a program that is recorded in several days, that takes so much work, that encounters so many unexpected moments and situations, can prepare to the millimeter each one of the answers that last night gave Ana Botín. I will sin as innocent, but I believe that even with the well-learned speech in many there was a lot of truth.

"I am clear that I do not have a bank, but that I am responsible for a bank", he leaves it there, he releases it and there is no need to read between the lines. Because Ana Botín showed her friendlier face, but she also showed the face that reminded me of the lethal Sigourney Weaver of that late 80s movie, Woman's Weapons , but also her antagonist, that Melanie Griffith who endured and that one day she got tired and gave the blow she needed to take. The two faces of a woman, perhaps the two faces of Ana Botín .

Ana Botín and feminism

I felt it when I confessed that when I was a child there was no plan for her, but she was always clear that her role model was not her father, but her mother: "My mother has been the biggest influence in my life, not my father" .

When he had no qualms about telling the privileged education they gave him in schools in Geneva, England or Germany. Or when at the same time it was opened in a channel to reveal that no matter how far it was it always felt that its mother was there, "that she always had it super close." It is the unknown Ana Botín , the Ana Botín who wanted to make it clear that her influence had been a woman, her mother; Ana Botín who developed her most feminist side throughout the program, but with very clear ideas: "we need men . "

And she also has a man next to her. In your case the phrase "behind a great man there is always a great woman" can be reversed. Because of so many things that the president of the Santander Group showed last night one of the most overwhelming was that without her husband's help, without her support, without that 50% halfway in everything, she would not have been able to get what she has achieved , or continue getting it

You can more or less agree, you can more or less criticize your way of understanding feminism, but what can not be criticized is that being who you are, have the courage to talk about a topic that she and her entire team know It will put you in more than one puddle . And this is what I mean when I say that you have to have huge ovaries to expose yourself that way. She, who has no need to attend a program like Planeta Calleja ; She, who has a whole communication team behind to duel or battle, made the decision to face an audience that was mostly not going to be nice to her. You just have to see the Social Networks last night and this morning.

Ana Botín and her father

But he also had the courage to recognize that he lived 17 years outside of Spain , that he wanted to be a journalist and that it was not because an aunt of his told him that it was not a good idea, and that he decided to do what most people dreamed of doing in the 80s, work in banking, and above her with the father she had and everything she could give him. Now, he said last night, few things were given to him .

His first position of responsibility in Spain was past 30 and it was not because he wanted to come to Spain to live on his father's income. As he revealed last night, he decided to leave the US and return to Spain after a very high, very high cost, after an abortion. " I lost a girl, nobody knows this, and I wanted to change my air , that's why I decided to leave the USA and move to Spain to work in the bank (...) A man called me to work in my father's bank, so I guess he asked if it seemed right, but my father never said anything to me. It was not easy because that was a world of men, but I had the pleasure of working with the best of each country. "

A father who never told him if it seemed right or wrong that his daughter had a position in his bank and a father with whom the relationship was not easy. "One day my father called me, after being 10 years in Latin America, and invited me to leave so that there could be a merger (he refers to the merger with the Hispanic Central Bank). After a report in the newspaper El País in which he made sure that Ana Botín was the most powerful woman in the world, my father was told that either Ana was leaving or there is no operation with the Central Hispano . She did what she had to do, but the way she told me it hurt me ".

And what did he say? Well, it was at a meeting of shareholders in which his father, Emilio Botín, made it clear that for him the family was not the most important thing, it was the bank. "Given what happened next, it really was a war between blues and reds, if they hadn't killed me then they would have killed me at six months because it was a very tough situation that lasted for six years." You can say higher, but not clearer.

The Sigourney Weaver, the Melanie Griffith of Women's Weapons . The Ana Botín that few knew and that many discovered last night. I will never tire of thanking the television and thanking the audience, which in the end is who it is due to, that has changed as the way of communicating has changed. Now, people like Ana Botín or like many others need programs like Planet or Survivors - I hope we see Cristina Cifuentes on Isla Cochinos - or like so many others to show what they would never have dared to show. Yes, he chose from all the best program to do it, but what he saw last night 10 years ago would have been unthinkable. And today it is time to endure .

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