Teller Report

Mercato LIVE: OL do not want to let go of Tousart or Dembélé ... Habib Diallo pleases Chelsea ... Follow the 2020 sales live with us

1/9/2020, 10:25:22 AM

All the safest news and the most moldy rumors are on "20 Minutes"

OL is not a seller for Tousart and Dembélé. - Andreas SOLARO / AFP


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The main news of the day

It will come...

11:08 a.m .: Lyon counts on Tousart and Dembélé

We start this transfer day on the Lyon side where Jean-Michel Aulas spoke about Moussa Dembélé. "He will not leave," he said. He wants to stay and earn something with Lyon. No player we want to keep will leave in January ”. According to L'Equipe , JMA alludes to Lucas Tousart, tracked in particular by the Herta Berlin. It remains to be seen whether these declines are sincere or if the aim is to increase the bids. As usual in this period, as in Hercule Poirot, we can not help thinking that everyone is lying to everyone.

11h: Saluuuuuuuuuuuuuuut the Minutas, yo the Minutos! The form ? Welcome home for a new day on the animal market.

You expected it even more than your last iphone 24 at the foot of the tree (valve already old-fashioned but too bad), It's the big comeback of the live transfer window! Each day that God does (except weekends because God has specified that the journalists of the sports editorial office of 20 Minutes were also entitled to a little rest), our team animates you the newspaper of the transfer window. News, rumors, scoops - well, rarely anyway -, jokes - too often however - there is everything to live the best (worst?) Moment in the football season, the winter transfer market. In short, if you want to throw up on PSG recruitment, make fun of that of OL, tell us all day long that footballers are overpaid, this live is for you.

>> Thursday January 9

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  • Mercato OL
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