Teller Report

An association claims the Legion of Honor for the hero of the Hyper Cacher

1/9/2020, 11:19:22 AM

"The State must not discriminate among its heroes", denounces Thiaba Bruni, vice-president of the Representative Council of black associations

Lassana Bathily, the hero of the Hypercacher at the Porte de Vincennes, Monday, December 21. -

Lassana Bathily, one of the “heroes” of the Hyper Cacher, will he receive the Legion of Honor? This is the wish expressed this Wednesday by the Representative Council of Black Associations (CRAN).

The association denounces the "double standards" from which, it claims, the "heroes" from minorities who showed bravery in attacks, at the time when France pays tribute to the victims of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, January 7, 2015, then from the Hyper Cacher store two days later.

A petition collects 460,000 signatures

The Malian, at the time without papers, had hidden several people in the cold room of the sign during the assault perpetrated by Amédy Coulibaly. Facts that earned him to be naturalized French.

"Five years after this heroic act, France has still not awarded the Legion of Honor to this hero," deplores CRAN, recalling that such a distinction has been claimed by 460,000 signatories of a petition. By way of comparison, the association stresses that "the three Americans who foiled the attack on the Thalys train in August of the same year were decorated 48 hours after the facts".

"There is a blockage"

“This double standard is unacceptable. The state should not discriminate among its heroes, "lambasted Thiaba Bruni, vice-president of CRAN, demanding the same decoration for Didi, head of security for the Bataclan" of Algerian origin ".

" This is not normal. Only 1% of the people who receive the Legion of Honor come from minorities. And for the acts of bravery during the attacks, none is of North African and African origin. There is a deadlock, "said Thiaba Bruni to AFP.

Other already decorated heroes

Several civilians, who intervened in recent attacks in France, were decorated with the Legion of Honor in the months that followed, like Damien Myna, who had tried to tackle Chérif Chekatt on the ground in the attack on the market. Christmas in Strasbourg in December 2018 and appointed knight in October 2019.

For throwing his scooter against the jihadist's ram truck during the Nice attack on July 14, 2016, or for grabbing onto its door, Franck Terrier and Alexandre Niguès were part of a special promotion in January 2017 of the Legion of Honor awarded to five people.


Paris attacks: Lassana Bathily receives the Medal of Courage in the United States


VIDEO. Five years after the Charlie Hebdo and Hypercacher attacks, the emotion remains strong

  • Charlie Hebdo
  • Terrorist attacks in Paris
  • Discrimination
  • Legion of Honor
  • Society
  • attempt
  • Hyper Hide