Teller Report

All the questions surrounding the departure of Harry and Meghan

1/9/2020, 5:01:51 PM

On Wednesday evening, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced that they will give up their leading role in the British royal family

Come on, hi company! - Frank Augstein / AP / SIPA

  • On Wednesday evening, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced that they would give up their prominent role in the British royal family.
  • Change of status, move across the Atlantic, pressure from the English tabloids ... This departure poses many questions.
  • 20 Minutes offers to answer these many questions thanks to Sophie Lagesse, journalist "crowned heads" at "Soir Mag".

Meghan and Harry take off. In a shocking statement posted on their own Instagram account on Wednesday, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced that they will distance themselves from the royal family, thereby renouncing their leading role in the British monarchy. A courageous (or desperate?) Decision that was not long in shaking the subjects of the crown, as well as Queen Elizabeth II herself, who obviously had not been brought to the scent of the flight across the Atlantic from her grandson, his wife and little Archie.

Because it is in North America in particular that the little family plans to open a new chapter in its history and to set itself several challenges: living independently of the royal family financially, and probably freeing themselves from British media pressure. and the avalanche of criticism that has overwhelmed the couple since the announcement of their marriage. But can we really leave the royal family? Thanks to the lighting of Sophie Lagesse, journalist "crowned heads" at Soir Mag , 20 Minutes invites you to review the many questions posed by what is already called, the "Megxit".

Is this “Megxit” so surprising?

A real thunderbolt, the withdrawal of Harry and Meghan seems to have the effect of a tidal wave among our English friends. But is it such a big surprise in view of the fierce media that the couple has suffered since its inception? "It's very surprising in timing, just after the holidays, and we didn't know that it was going to take on these proportions, at least this turn," says Sophie Lagesse. They could very well have stayed in England and lighten their planning a bit, but there they communicate that they are almost withdrawing from the Windsor clan! Obviously there is a wave of criticism towards Meghan but some say that it is a reaction of Harry compared to the childhood which he lived. He still lost his mother, crushed by this system of tabloids and by the omnipresent paparazzi. Now that he has finally reached his goal of founding a home, he fears that history will repeat itself… ”

Have the English tabloids got the better of Meghan and Harry?

For the journalist, the Duchess of Sussex did not help calm relations with the oppressive British tabloid press: "By embracing this role of princess and by agreeing to marry Harry, it was a bit of a deal." Instead of keeping a low profile, some of her choices and her behaviors have rather excited the press: not wanting to communicate about her delivery, not bending to the tradition of posing at the end of maternity with her baby in her arms ... To do as he pleased it could only excite the press and public opinion. Of course, it is her choice as a woman and young mother not to share everything with the British people but on the other hand it is part of the tradition of this royalty, we cannot take what we like and reject which we don't like! It's very complex. ”

Does the image of the monarchy risk being tarnished by this departure?

"It is a tsunami because the royal family has a special place in the hearts of the British," explains Sophie Lagesse. But it may not damage the image of the family, on the contrary, it will cause even more questions, arouse curiosity, people want to know the why and how. We don't necessarily talk about it in a positive way but we keep talking about them! Remember that the abdication of King Edward VIII for the love of Wallis Simpson last century did not stop the world of the royal family from turning…

What will be their new status?

If they renounce their "leading role", will they therefore have the right to a "secondary" status? "They could very well be like the other members of the royal family who are not in the direct order of succession to the throne, like the princesses Béatrice and Eugénie, analyzes the journalist. Harry could very well step aside and be much less present on the public stage. And at the same time it would be almost logical because they are William and Kate the direct heirs of the crown. We can clearly see it in other monarchies, in Belgium for example, the king's brothers and sisters, and especially their children, are very little involved in royal life. We see them at extremely important times, funerals or weddings, but they are people who have no official agenda dictated by the palace. "

Can they really have a normal life?

It is still not very common to go from the life of a prince to that of everyone else… Will Prince Harry pass a skills assessment? Will it follow the job interviews? It's not that crazy, according to Sophie Lagesse: "In Belgium we have many princes of the Belgian royal family who work in banks, who have studied law ... Very few work in Belgium and they are just expatriates in England or France to have a little more anonymity and freedom of movement, but it's not unusual for a prince or a princess to have an active life! "

Will Meghan resume her career?

We almost forgot that it wasn't that long ago, Meghan Markle was the main actress of the Suits series. Is the couple moving closer to Hollywood to revive Meghan's career? “This is THE question everyone is asking!” Says the journalist. Like many actresses, we saw with Grace Kelly for example, it is extremely difficult for them to give up playing. And if she ever said she was available again on the actors and actresses market, we can well imagine that the producers and directors will tear her away… Is it Meghan who will boil the pot, and Harry for its part, will continue to play its role as president of numerous associations? "

Is this decision irreversible?

If it is rumored that he is the little favorite of Granny Elizabeth (after her Dorgis), Prince Harry may be doing the stupidity of his life ... But Sophie Lagesse tempers. "For the moment, he wants to get away from his media torments and the obligations incumbent on his role, but the more time passes, the more attention will be focused on Kate and William who are the heirs to the throne. Harry would have been less important anyway over the years since the succession is assured with the Cambridge clan. And if in a few years he wants to come back to settle in England full time, no one will stand in his way. Little by little he can return to public life. "

Can we really free ourselves from the royal family?

"He can do whatever he wants, he remains attached to it, he remains the Duke of Sussex," explains Sophie Lagesse. Unless one day the queen decides to dishonor him, which will never happen, he is the son of Prince Charles, heir to the English throne. He can wall up in Canada and try to live a normal life there, but it should be known that the English media have very important means and that certain American paparazzi have much less scruples than certain British. Will they really have peace? Only the future will tell us. Yes, unfortunately, you don't choose your family ... Courage to William and Kate.


VIDEO. What are Meghan and Harry going to do to pay the rent?


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle give up leading role in British royal family

  • England
  • Meghan Markle
  • People
  • Prince harry
  • Royalty