Teller Report

After a long absence .. Justin Bieber announces that he has a "fatal" disease

1/9/2020, 4:01:23 PM

Canadian singer Justin Bieber revealed that he was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease, which is an infection caused by bacteria carried by a tick. Bieber, 25, spoke of the disease through a post in his account on the social networking site "Instagram", yesterday evening, about He had Lai's disease

Canadian singer Justin Bieber revealed that he was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease, an infection caused by bacteria carried by a tick insect.

Bieber, 25, talked about his illness through a post on his account on the social networking site "Instagram", yesterday evening, about his infection with Lyme disease and stated that he has been suffering from two years of illness and is still receiving treatment, and he described it as incurable and hopes to improve in The next period, as he is still getting the appropriate treatment.

Bieber pointed out that he would announce more details in a series of videos via "YouTube" soon.

"You can learn everything I have been fighting and order !! Nearly two years have passed, but I have had the appropriate treatment that will help cure this unstable disease so far, and I will return better than ever," Bieber said.

Bieber's announcement of the nature of his illness comes after he released his first new single in more than four years last week, called Yummy.

Almost 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Without treatment, the infection can spread to the joints, heart and nervous system, resulting in joint pain and swelling.

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