Teller Report

In spite of himself, he recovers his 10 tonnes of waste dumped in the wild

1/8/2020, 11:25:39 AM

Precursor of the “return to the sender”, the mayor of Laigneville struck again

The waste has been returned to its owner. - C. Dietrich

You shouldn't have pissed him off. Monday, Christophe Dietrich, mayor of Laigneville, in Oise, made proceed to the first "return to the sender" of the year 2020. A particularly indelicate inhabitant had swung, quietly, ten tons of waste in the middle of nowhere.

On several occasions, 20 Minutes has devoted articles to this elected official, a pioneer in the fight against illegal dumping of garbage since 2014. It was he who launched the ritual of returning the waste sender whose owners could be identified. The “Dietrich touch” of systematically filming the operation and broadcasting the video on social networks. If his radical technique drastically dropped the number of wild deposits, only three in 2019, some continue to try their luck.

Spotted and followed by a resident

That's what a man did last Saturday. And he didn't go there with the back of the spoon. In a field, on the borders of the municipalities of Laigneville and Rousseloy, the indelicate threw "at least ten tonnes" of waste. Bad luck, a resident spotted the carousel of the individual who was carrying his rubbish in a dump truck.

The latter took the initiative to follow the truck to the dirt road leading to the field while filming with her mobile phone. It is thanks to this testimony that the truck user, owner of the waste, could be easily identified. His numerous back-and-forth trips had also been recorded by the commune's video surveillance cameras.

On the strength of all this evidence, Christophe Dietrich mobilized several vehicles and municipal officials on Monday morning to go and collect the waste in the field. Fully loaded, the five trucks then went to the man's home and emptied their load in front of his house. The whole being filmed, as usual, by the mayor in person. Arrested by the mayor, the man did not deny. And when the elected official reminded him that "there are recycling centers for that", the man simply replied: "I haven't found".

His gesture will cost him dearly. The municipality will indeed charge him 800 euros per truck mobilized to transport the waste. A note at 4,000 euros, therefore, which should pass the urge to start again to this gentleman.


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  • Waste
  • Planet