Teller Report

The "Gulf and Arab" legislative councils condemn the approval of the Turkish parliament for military intervention in Libya

1/7/2020, 10:17:01 PM

The "Gulf and Arab" legislative councils announced, in a joint statement, their rejection and denunciation of the decision of the Turkish parliament approving the military intervention inside Libya. He said the quadruple statement issued by the Shura Council in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Federal National Council in the State of the Emirates

The "Gulf and Arab" legislative councils announced, in a joint statement, their rejection and denunciation of the Turkish parliament's decision approving military intervention inside Libya.

The quadruple joint statement issued by the Shura Council in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Federal National Council in the United Arab Emirates, the House of Representatives in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the legislative authority in the Kingdom of Bahrain, with its two Shura and Representatives chambers, said that in light of the current developments, developments and conditions witnessed by the sisterly country of Libya, We affirm the rejection of external interference, and the violation of the sovereignty and independence of any Arab country, from any party.

The statement pointed out the strong concern about the security challenges, external interventions, and terrorist threats faced by the state of Libya and neighboring countries, declaring categorical rejection, and strong condemnation of the decision of the Turkish parliament to agree to military intervention in the state of Libya, which is considered a rejected violation of the rules of international law, and an attack On the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Libya.

The Quartet Statement of the “Arab and Gulf Parliaments” announced full support, support and adoption of all that was stated in the statement of the Arab Parliament towards the Turkish Parliament’s decision, once again the position of the four countries ’fixed and complete parliaments, in rejecting any aggression by any party against any Arab country, and that foreign interference , Enhances the capabilities of terrorists, undermines peace efforts, a political solution, complicates conditions, destabilizes the region, threatens the security of neighboring countries, and creates a humanitarian crisis.

The joint statement called on the international community to accelerate the fulfillment of its role and duties, and to carry out its tasks and responsibilities, in stopping foreign violations against any Arab country, and the importance of supporting a political solution for the security and stability of the countries and peoples of the region and the world as a whole.

It is noteworthy that the Libyan National Army forces announced the control of the city of Sirte in the center of the country, which was under the control of militias loyal to the government of Tripoli, headed by Fayez al-Sarraj, and supported by Turkey, and the army spokesman, Major General Ahmed al-Mismari, told a press conference. In Benghazi, the General Command of the Libyan Armed Forces officially announces the clearance and control of the city of Sirte.

He added: “The operation was lightning, and was carried out within three hours, according to a tight military plan, by the order of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar. Our confirmed information indicated that terrorist foci gathered in Sirte, were trying to attack the Crescent Petroleum, and the army launched the attack from five land and sea axes, to Aspect to provide air support for the operation ».

He pointed out that the prelude to controlling Sirte began months ago, targeting all military sites where armed groups were stationed in the city, through air strikes.

Quadruple joint statement:

“The Turkish parliament’s decision is a violation of the rules of international law, and an attack on Libya’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

"Foreign interference increases the capabilities of terrorists, undermines peace efforts and a political solution, and destabilizes."