Teller Report

Jesus of the Court: "For not paying bites we lost power and a lot of money"

1/7/2020, 8:20:07 PM

Jesus of the Court. Huelva, 1972. This lawyer, international consultant and founder of Management & Research has written with Fernando Lallana & apos; Sorbos de entrepreneurship & apos ;, a book that

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Jesus of the Court . Huelva, 1972. This lawyer, international consultant and founder of Management & Research has written with Fernando Lallana 'Sorbos de emprendimiento', a book that is in the antipodes of the culture of the ball. He is a Buddhist and a rociero.

Under his appearance of a more or less conventional lawyer, an adventurer is hiding. I do not identify myself as a conventional lawyer, although I exercise the Law for specific things. He has twice traveled around the world. Yes, as a backpacker and in an adventure plan. We did dives in shark areas, night climbing on Easter Island ... Do you have to be very lined to travel like this? Not at all, it is cheaper than doing four flights a year. We left with the Oneworld alliance, with which you buy airline miles. We took the maps of the airports to go faster. You just have to feel like adventure. His father, a boat entrepreneur, suffered the first seizure of a Spanish fishing boat in the Gambia. Tell us how it was. At that time, piracy will not say it was out of government, but almost, because there were four crazy pirates. It was in 1989 or 1990. They accuse us that the ship enters Gambia waters without authorization and, although it is not, they arrest it. We talked to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, we moved heaven and earth, but nobody helps us. And what happened? Almost every day, the fishing master of the boat is awakened at dawn, beaten up, put a Kalashnikov on his head and they give him a phone number to call my father, who was in Huelva. 'Get me out of here, they kill me,' he said. Money was sent in briefcases for rescue. We never knew who held the ship, but we had to talk about his book 'Sips of Entrepreneurship!' We have identified five traits that are present in those that have had some success, but fleeing the concept of success as 'I start in a garage, I sell and I am in Silicon Valley'. He is not the entrepreneur who gives a ball. No, he is the that he undertakes to live as he wants to live, which is the opposite of hitting a ball. This is not a matter of money. The five traits of the entrepreneurial personality are passion, vision, resilience, integrity and conviction. Isn't the word entrepreneur very groped? Much, especially lately. It has something positive because it has empowered the word, but the negative is that it seems that it is necessary to undertake at all costs and it is not like that. It is promoter in Andalusia of the 'Fuck Up Nights' (Nights Fucked), where business failures are put in common . It is a supercurious Mexican initiative. It is born from friends who come together one night to have a drink and tell how bad it has been, in a humorous tone. Look how far it has been in Mexico that they have created an Institute of Failure, to predict what can lead to it. That is to talk about failures ... Here people want to know what Bill Gates, Amancio Ortega or Juan Roig did to get there at the top. But there are many more who fail than those who succeed. What does an international consultant like you do who advises the government of Chile and other countries in Latin America? I do individual consulting and with my firm Management & Research, with which we have 20 years. We are in ten countries and we travel constantly because the politician on duty wants to see you; A minister does not sit with anyone. We have an office in Tokyo, but above all we have a presence in Latin America. In the five traits of the entrepreneur who collects his book is integrity, is it possible to put it into practice in certain countries? Yes. Of the things I feel most proud of is that I have never paid a bribe or a bite. They tell me that it is impossible in Latin America, but we have done it. For not paying bites, we have lost a lot of money, prominence and share of power, but we continue to compete. We came to give up contracts we had won because they asked us for a bite. The campaigns we do are ethical, but there are colleagues who do it and screw up. Can Buddhism be applied to business? I have a psychiatrist friend who says that trying to bring reflection to capitalism is foolishness. It depends on where you look: if in the long or short term. Buddhism helps you become aware that giving up a benefit for someone to improve will eventually revert to you. It is as if we had a virtual piggy bank that we are filling. It is from the same land as the Virgen del RocĂ­o and a follower of Buddhism. I am a bit weird. I'm rociero; in the Dew the religious fervor and the traditions are mixed. I have an important Buddhist and a Christian part. Buddhism brings temperance to a world that needs it. We live without time for important things. And it can't be like that.

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