Teller Report

In the US, they spoke about the readiness for Iran’s response to the murder of Suleimani

1/7/2020, 7:02:02 PM

Washington is ready for Tehran’s response after the assassination of Iranian general Kassem Suleimani. This was reported by White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham.

“We don’t know what the answer will be from Iran, but it’s clear that we are ready for it ... If they decide to take retaliatory actions, then, as President Trump said, we are ready for this. Our armed forces are on standby, and we are monitoring the situation. The President said that we are not seeking escalation, but we will see what happens next, ”TASS quoted her as saying.

On January 4, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Iran of retaliation against Washington after the assassination of General Suleimani.

In turn, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called the assassination of a military leader a choice by the United States of a dangerous path for the Middle East.

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps General (IRGC) Kassem Suleimani was killed on the night of January 3 as a result of a U.S. missile attack at Baghdad Airport.