Teller Report

Emirates Today is the most read locally

1/7/2020, 10:37:22 PM

"Emirates Today" ranked the top of the local and international websites in the country in terms of the number of visitors, last year, according to the report of "Narativ" company specialized in the field of measuring audience trends in the Middle East. The newspaper's website ranked first with 12 million visitors.

"Emirates Today" ranked the top of the local and international websites in the country in terms of the number of visitors, last year, according to the report of "Narativ" company specialized in the field of measuring audience trends in the Middle East.

The newspaper's website ranked first with 12 million visitors from within the state, at an average of 85,000 visits per day, while the number of readings from inside and outside the country throughout 2019 reached 114 million.

The results director of the Emirates Today website, Noura Al-Raisi, said that the results of the report, "Naratif", which showed the newspaper exports the local and international websites in the number of visitors from within the state, came to keep pace with the plan set by the newspaper’s management for the past year, which emerged first Its fruits are in the semi-annual report of the same company, issued at the end of June 2019, and showed the «Emirates Today» export, with a total number of readers of six million.