Teller Report

Carole Ghosn targeted by Japanese arrest warrant for false testimony

1/7/2020, 2:34:50 PM

The Tokyo prosecution suspects Carole Ghosn, the wife of the ousted car magnate, of false statements. In April 2019, she was asked about her possible meetings with a person ...

"Pathetic." This is how a spokesperson for the Ghosn couple qualified the arrest warrant issued by the Japanese justice system Tuesday January 7 against Carole Ghosn, the wife of the former big boss of Renault and Nissan. - even wanted by Interpol after its flight to Lebanon. He recalled that nine months ago, she had "voluntarily" returned to Japan to be questioned by the investigators of the prosecution and that she had been "free to leave without charges".

Carole Ghosn, who is also in Lebanon, is suspected of false testimony in April 2019, when she was questioned about her possible meetings with an unnamed person, in connection with the charges against her, according to a statement from the Tokyo prosecutor's office. husband. For the time being, the Lebanese Minister of Justice indicates that he has not received any arrest warrant concerning Carole Ghosn.

>> Read: Lebanon, the ideal refuge for Carlos Ghosn

Carole Ghosn, on the front line

Used to putting a smile on her husband's arm, Carole Ghosn went up to the front line to stubbornly defend the fallen tycoon from the automotive industry. She, who spent a large part of her life in the United States, finally found her husband in Lebanon on December 30, after several months of separation.

She was not on the private jet in which her husband was arrested on November 19, 2018, and she learned the news thousands of miles away. Without contact with him for almost two months in police custody (no phone or visitation rights), Carole Ghosn, 53, first limited her public speaking before openly defending her husband, multiplying interventions in Tokyo, New York or Paris.

Pleading her cause with the NGO Human Rights Watch, the United Nations and even with American President Donald Trump, she knocked on all doors. In France, she appealed for help to President Emmanuel Macron, denouncing the "deafening" silence of the Élysée Palace.

If she was unable to visit him in prison, the elegant woman with long blond hair was there when the businessman was released on bail, the first time in early March. But the ex-CEO was arrested again on April 4. Prosecutors arrive at their home in Tokyo at dawn. "I was searched several times (...) A woman followed me to my shower, to the toilet. I felt humiliated," she told French press.

Press conference by Carlos Ghosn on Wednesday

In late April, when her husband is released on bail for the second time, she will not be allowed to see him. The couple were able to speak to each other by videoconference in November. The conversation, which could not address subjects not authorized by the Japanese judge, was forwarded to the courts.

After the incredible flight of the former big boss of Renault and Nissan from Japan to Lebanon, several media presented Carole Ghosn as the mastermind of this exfiltration. But her husband assured, however, last week that he had organized "alone" his exfiltration.

Carlos Ghosn is scheduled to hold a long-awaited press conference in Beirut on Wednesday. For his part, Lebanese President Michel Aoun meets the Japanese Ambassador to Lebanon, Takeshi Okubo, at the presidential palace in Baabda, near Beirut.

With AFP and Reuters

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