Teller Report

Violent battles in Sirte .. UN accusation of "a pro-Haftar state" of killing dozens at Tripoli Military College

1/6/2020, 9:13:27 PM

Ghassan Salama, the UN envoy to Libya, accused a "supporter" of the forces of retired Major General Khalifa Hifter (he was not named) of bombing the Military College in Tripoli, which killed dozens of students, while violent clashes take place in Sirte.

This came in statements made by the UN official on Monday after the end of a closed consultations session in the UN Security Council on the Libyan crisis.

And Saturday, the Military College in Tripoli was attacked by a missile, which killed 30 students and injured 33 others.

On Sunday, the internationally recognized Libyan Accord government accused the UAE of being involved in the bombing of the Military College in Tripoli.

Salama said that the situation in Libya is "extremely dangerous and difficult now, and one example is the killing of many students of the Military Academy on Saturday following an air strike."

He expressed his "outrage" at the bombing, adding, "We know that a state supporting the forces of Haftar was the one who carried out this attack," without naming it.

The UN envoy strongly criticized "the inability of the Security Council to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Libya."

"I offered a frank and detailed discussion to the council members on the current difficulties in Libya, and I also held a long meeting earlier today with Secretary-General Antonio Guterres," Salameh said.

He added, "We met in this council (meaning the Security Council) 15 times since last April (when Haftar launched his military operation on Tripoli), and the council is unable to issue a resolution calling for a ceasefire."

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Sirte war
Meanwhile, fierce battles are taking place in Sirte, Libya, where the Libyan government of Al-Wefaq government announced that the force to protect and secure the city of Sirte (east) repelled an attack by "retired militias and mercenaries", Major General Khalifa Hifter, denying the validity of rumors of their control over sites in the city, after Haftar's forces announced that they had captured the city.

The government’s “Operation Anger Volcano” operation said - in a statement - that the Sirte Protection Force, which is derived from Operation Bunyan Al-Marsous, repelled an attack by the war criminal's mercenaries and mercenaries, east of Sirte, and managed to destroy two armed vehicles near Gate 17, east of the city.

She added that "the situation inside Sirte is completely under control, and the clashes that took place on the eve of today outside the city."

She added that "there is no truth to the rumors circulating about the progress of militia and mercenary Haftar and their control over some sites in the city."

Khalifa Haftar's forces have declared control of the city of Sirte.

According to a spokesman for Haftar forces, Ahmed Al-Mismari, what he described as "the purification of the city of Sirte" "was lightning and took place within three hours, according to a military plan tightly ordered by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar."