Teller Report

Moon Jung-in "US should be more flexible and realistic in denuclearizing North Korea"

1/6/2020, 9:40:27 PM

Moon's Special Assistant to Unification and Diplomacy and Security says the United States should take a more flexible and realistic approach to North Korea's denuclearization issue. In return for denuclearizing North Korea, he introduced the views of a North Korean expert in the United States who proposed the signing of a peace treaty, reducing US forces in Korea, and easing the sanctions.

Moon's Special Assistant to Unification and Diplomacy and Security says the United States should take a more flexible and realistic approach to North Korea's denuclearization issue.

In return for denuclearizing North Korea, he introduced the views of a North Korean expert in the United States who proposed the signing of a peace treaty, reducing US forces in Korea, and easing the sanctions.

Mr. Moon attended a seminar organized by the US think tank National Interest Research Institute on the theme of 'North Korea, Flames and Fury or Road to Peace in 2020?' And I hope North Korea will return to the negotiation table. I heard enough complaints, "he said." Now it is time for North Korea to come back to the negotiation table and try to make a deal. "

"The United States needs to be more flexible and realistic," he said. "The American strategy of 'denuclearization first will be rewarded' is not realistic and it doesn't work."

"This is the reason why North Korea has responded that the United States will return to the negotiation table after the US withdraws its hostile policy permanently and irreversibly," he said.

"It's a perfect parallel between Washington and Pyongyang," he said. "The two sides need to find a kind of compromise approach, and the United States needs to be more bold."

In particular, Moon cited the North American denuclearization solution by Senior Researcher Van Jackson, who served as US Secretary of Defense's policy adviser to the Barack Obama administration.

By adopting the Nuclear Weapons Control Paradigm, Jackson said that in return for denuclearizing North Korea, he signed a peace treaty, reduced US forces in Korea, created a “cooperation fund” and sanctions for the United States or the international community, but would revert to a “snapback system” in the event of a violation of North Korea's agreement. Mr. Moon's explanation is that he has offered such relief.

Jackson believes that this paradigm can send a very clear signal to North Korea that it has a series of incentives and a real and serious interest in denuclearization.

"You may not agree with what Jackson thinks, but we have to think about it," Moon said.

"We should think about China and Russia's proposal of a UN Security Council resolution to reduce sanctions on North Korea," he said. "This resolution did not talk about what North Korea would do to denuclearize." Is flawed. "

"However, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France can modify their proposals by thinking more creatively and opening up new breakthroughs in the current deadlock," he said. "We have a lot to think about."

"I want to emphasize that we should not be too strict and flexible, let us find some creative ideas that go beyond dependence in the distant past," he said.

(Photo = Yonhap News)