Teller Report

Libya: surprise capture of Sirte by Khalifa Haftar's forces

1/6/2020, 6:49:32 PM

In Libya, a strategic reversal of Marshal Haftar's forces. After targeting the capital, Tripoli, since April 2019, the Libyan National Army has

By RFIPosted on 06-01-2020Modified on 06-01-2020 at 19:34

In Libya, a strategic reversal of Marshal Haftar's forces. After targeting the capital, Tripoli, since April 2019, the Libyan National Army stormed by surprise, this Monday, January 6, the city of Sirte located in central Libya, some 250 km from Misrata, stronghold of militias supporting the Government of national unity. The operation lasted just a few hours.

According to an officer of the Libyan National Army (ANL), Sirte is, this Monday evening, in the hands of the forces of the ANL. The soldier who spoke on several Libyan and Egyptian television channels, said that the coastal city fell in a few hours, the armed forces which held it, having fled very quickly.

Supported by its aviation, the ANL claims to have attacked the city on five axes, including the dispatch of airborne commandos. Eastern special forces first captured the military base and Kardabaya Airport. According to them, the drone command room - run by Turkish officers - was completely destroyed.

At the same time, special forces from the sea took the port of Sirte. The combatants then advanced in the city and dominated the various military camps. Once in the center, some residents fought alongside the ANL against the forces of Misrata.

Several photos and videos attest to this taking. You can see military vehicles with the logo parading in several places in the city.

The flash operation comes after Turkey announced military support to the Fayez al-Sarraj National Unity Government .

As soon as the city of Sirte was taken, the Minister of the Interior of the provisional government (Haftar), based in the East, appointed a director of security in the city. This is General Lamine Mami.

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