Teller Report

Bragin won the seventh medal with the youth team at the MFM

1/6/2020, 12:34:21 AM

The head coach of the youth team of Russia Valery Bragin won the seventh career medal in the world championships for hockey players no older than 20 years old.

The mentor won the only title in 2011, when his wards recouped from the score 0-3 in the final.

Since then, he has won six more medals with the national team - four silver (2012, 2015, 2016, 2020) and two bronze (2017, 2019).

Only in 2018, under the leadership of Bragin, did the Russians fail to take the awards, losing in the quarterfinal to the US team with a score of 2: 4.

RT hosted an online text broadcast of the final meeting of the 2020 Youth Hockey World Championship between the national teams of Russia and Canada.