Teller Report

“We must support the Russian youth team”: Bykov about discipline in the team, Voronkov's removals and the camera episode

1/6/2020, 6:37:21 PM

Russian hockey players do not deserve to be criticized, despite the insulting defeat in the final of the youth world championship from Canada. This was stated in an interview with RT by the famous coach Vyacheslav Bykov. He noted that young players are not always able to restrain their emotions, unlike older colleagues. In addition, the specialist defended striker Dmitry Voronkov, and also shared his opinion on the controversial episode with the puck in the camera.

- In your opinion, which statement is more accurate: Canada won the final of the youth world championship or Russia gave it away?

- Of course, Canadians won. It’s simply incorrect to say that the Russian team gave the final to the opponent. Our guys fought like tigers, like lions! I don’t even know what epithets can be picked up here.

- But it is traditionally difficult for Russian fans to enjoy silver.

- I myself grew up in a school where maximalism was instilled. And I also know what it means to be second and third, but at the same time want more. Just do not forget what gigantic work is even behind silver medals. Personally, I really liked the Russian team at this World Cup. In my opinion, very talented guys are performing in it. The future of our hockey is behind them.

- In other words, do you not share fan indignation?

- Moreover, I am very unpleasant that there is so much bile around. We love negative so much and find criticism so easy! There, the player left, here the goalkeeper played poorly - now we are all looking for the guilty. But criticism must be constructive, otherwise it is criticism. It surprises me, because we are considered a good-natured, sympathetic nation. So you need to sympathize with the team, say a good word to them and support. Remember how everyone was outraged when the captain of the Canadian team did not take off his helmet during the anthem? And where did this patriotism go now? Defeat in the finals, of course, is a sports hit for the team, and we simply must support our guys.

- Will young hockey players be able to cope with it?

- The coaching staff will definitely analyze all the mistakes, and this lesson, on the contrary, will help the guys move on. Let’s look for positive in everything - there is no way without it. I repeat, the task of the fans is to support the guys in this difficult moment. And only their coaches have the right to evaluate players. And, of course, let's remember who exactly the team lost. Well, she would have been defeated by the team of the third division, playing naughty-fel. But it's still Russia — Canada — the classic of hockey. Scolding our team means to devalue our opponent. You can not do it this way.

- Was discipline really one of the weaknesses of the Russian team and one of the main reasons for its defeat in the final?

- No, I do not think that the lack of discipline was originally the problem of our team. Emotionality, in principle, is inherent in any young person, especially when there is such pressure around. The guys were in a stressful situation, but this stress is not from unwillingness, but from an overabundance of desire! Hockey players tried their best to play as best as possible! Hence the errors and deletions. This happens with adult players, to say nothing of youth.

- But in the first period the guys managed to restrain themselves.

- Yes, but the closer the guys approached the cherished goal, the higher the tension became.

- Why, in your opinion, did the coaches fail to reach out to their wards?

- In my opinion, the coaching staff has done a lot of work in this direction. But this is also not so simple ...

- Two rather stupid removal of Dmitry Voronkov made him the main anti-hero of the finale. Why didn’t anyone support him, even veterans?

- Just veterans who played at a high level, understand the importance of such episodes. And the guy just could not cope with emotions. In no case can not be blamed as a result of one player. Now we can just “hammer” a person. And what will happen to him next? In a word, you can kill.

- Shuffling goalkeepers from match to match and substitutions during the games could affect the morale of both goalkeepers?

- This is not a new word in hockey, such a practice exists. In addition, we all know how important competition is. And also Yaroslav Askarov and Amir Miftakhov are friends, they themselves spoke about this in an interview. In addition, I believe that we should trust the coaching staff. Valery Bragin’s experience is undeniable, plus he was constantly in the team, knew what atmosphere reigned in it. And since he made such decisions, there were reasons for that.

- Bragin attributed the Canadians' winning goal to the rebound, but many felt that Miftakhov was mistaken, who had remained on the line for a long time.

- Yes, now there will be many “specialists” who will analyze the game of hockey players. Of course, we don’t believe the coach! And the goalkeeper, of course, must stand on the line, and he must also be given a rifle in his hands or some sort of shield. Such a “guillotine” for players after losing in the final is, I repeat, disrespect for the opponent. Let's not forget who scored the goals for us.

- The game in the majority left a double impression - at the beginning of the tournament and the most important match, it did not work, but on the way to the final the special team stamped goals ...

- Igor Larionov worked a lot with the guys, and the result really was. As for the finals, it’s just that the headquarters of the Canadian team also has a lot of strong coaches who are able to look for an antidote to the confident play of the enemy. And they successfully coped with this task.

- If the account was opened in the first period, when the Canadians were deleted four times, would the outcome be different?

“Yes, perhaps.” But here it is important to remember that Canadians are a nation that often decides the outcome of the game in the last seconds. We also try to educate our guys.

- One of the most controversial moments of the final was connected with the puck getting into the camera, but, according to the regulations, this is not a deliberate release and is not punishable by removal. Are you surprised by this episode?

- Yes, I was surprised, it was a rather curious moment. Indeed, if the opponent were removed, this could play into our hands - he would have two players less on the court. But if such a rule exists, then something stands behind it, and perhaps there have already been precedents.

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