Teller Report

Kamensky believes that the Russian team lost in the final of the MFM due to deletions

1/5/2020, 10:28:21 PM

Olympic champion, Stanley Cup winner Valery Kamensky commented on the defeat of the Russian national team and he of the national team of Canada in the final of the 2020 world hockey championship among players under 20 years old.

“The finale, of course, was a starry one - an interesting hockey, a lot of emotions, emotions. Unfortunately, they lost, although they played better than Canadians. Lost purely due to deletion. We couldn’t hold the advantage because of game discipline, deletions ”, - quotes Kamensky Sport24.

He noted that it is difficult to evaluate the refereeing in the match, since both the Russian and Canadian teams had many deletions.

“Silver is not gold, but it is a good result for the guys. But they could have won gold, ”added the specialist.

Earlier it was reported that the Russian national team lost to Canada and for the tenth time became the silver medalist of the Hockey World Championship.

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