Teller Report

“If you play in the power struggle, there is every chance of winning”: Yashin on the final of the MFH hockey final between the national teams of Russia and Canada

1/5/2020, 11:55:26 AM

The Russian youth hockey team has every chance to beat Canada in the finals of the world championship if it acts again in a forceful manner, as it was in the group stage match. So says the world hockey champion Alexei Yashin. In an interview with RT, he also talked about which component Valery Bragin's wards needed to add, appreciated the game of Yaroslav Askarov in the semifinals and urged players to forget the incident with the Russian anthem in the first game with the Canadians.

- What are your expectations from the final match with Canada?

- The final Russia-Canada at the youth world championship or at any other international tournament is a very interesting event. I hope that our team will succeed today, we will cheer for the guys.

- 6: 0 in the first match - is it a psychological advantage for the Russians or a great irritant for Canada?

- Both that, and that. It is clear that our team played very well in the group stage, but the Canadians at 0: 6 did not play their best match, and not even in terms of any technique or skill. I really liked how the Russians played in terms of power struggle. This was their advantage. Of course, Canadians will draw conclusions, and in the final there will be a completely different team.

- Canadians won four matches after that defeat. Can we say that they were transformed after that?

- But she and her rivals were like that ... Perhaps, only in the semifinal Canada experienced resistance and played convincingly. Today will be a completely different game.

- Four conceded goals in four matches - how serious is this for the Russian team?

- I would not try to compare matches with different teams. To date, both teams have already met, and the Russians confidently won. Everyone is waiting for the same game from our team, and if you manage to play in the same power struggle, then there is every chance of winning.

- The Russian team can again expect a meeting with Barrett Hayton, who caused irritation for many players when he did not take off his helmet while playing the anthem after the match. Could it happen that Russians are overwhelmed by emotions when they meet him again on ice?

- What was, it was. Our guys need to concentrate on the game. We will cheer for them to prove themselves in the same way as in the first match.

- In this case, it is likely that Hayton will not play due to injury. How big a loss is this for Canada?

- Of course, the trauma of any leading player is a loss for the team. But everything will be decided on ice.

- In the semifinals with Sweden, the Russians showed an attacking game, inflicted more than 40 shots. In the finals, you can expect the same tactics, or is it time to play on defense?

- It's hard to talk about it. I hope that the coaching staff will choose a specific scheme of the game for the finals. Different tactics with different teams bring success. The team headquarters is experienced and will make the right decision. We, as fans, are waiting for the victory, and no matter how it is achieved - by attacking hockey or defensive.

- In the match with Sweden, the weak point of our team was faceoffs. How can this affect the outcome of the final?

- If this did not prevent you from winning the semifinals, then maybe it was worth playing? Just kidding, of course. Face-offs are a very important element of the game. When you own the puck, you can dictate your game. I hope that the Russians will add in this element.

- Which of the goalkeepers should play with Canada: Yaroslav Askarov or Amir Miftakhov?

- The coaching staff decides such issues, he knows better the situation within the team. But if you take the pucks that were missed in the semifinals, then many were abandoned in the majority, with the accumulation of players in front of the goal, when it is difficult to see the puck. It is difficult to determine whether Askarov was to blame for these goals. It is not known how the other goalkeeper would have played in his place. I do not divide goalkeepers into the first and second, because the team plays.

- Most of the Russians are no longer in doubt. How important can this be in the final?

- Always, when a team scores in the majority, this is a huge plus for her. It's great that in the last pair of games everything worked out. I hope that in the same spirit the guys will continue to act in the final.

- Are there any questions to the discipline of the Russian team? There were a lot of deletions in the semifinals, Alexander Khovanov received a 2 + 10 minute penalty for a blow to the head ...

- Regarding the refereeing, I can not comment on whether there was a basis for such a penalty or not. Any team wants to play in the minority as little as possible, and the better the discipline, the greater the chances of winning.

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