Teller Report

Zarif criticized Pompeo for words about the joy of the Iraqi death of Suleimani

1/4/2020, 7:22:20 PM

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Jawad Zarif called US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “an arrogant clown” in response to his statement about the alleged joy of the Iraqi people in the murder in Baghdad of Iranian general Kassem Suleimani.

He wrote about this on his page on Twitter.

“24 hours ago, an arrogant clown posing as a diplomat stated that people are dancing in the cities of Iraq. Today, hundreds of thousands of our proud Iraqi brothers and sisters have offered him their answer on their land. The US hostile presence in West Asia has come to an end, ”Zarif said.

Pompeo previously wrote on his Twitter that “Iraqis are dancing in the streets in support of freedom,” because “they are grateful that General Suleymani is no longer there.” He attached a video to the recording, which shows people running with the flags of Iraq through the streets.

Thousands of people were reportedly taking to the streets of Baghdad to participate in the funeral procession in connection with the death of Iranian IRGC General Kassem Suleimani and the deputy head of the Iraqi Shiite militia Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

Commanders died in a U.S. missile attack on the night of January 3 near Baghdad Airport.