Teller Report

Top 14: Lyon comes to an end at the end of Agen, despite three attempts refused - France 24

1/4/2020, 5:37:31 PM

Top 14: Lyon comes to the end of Agen, despite three attempts refused

Agen (AFP)

Lyon, first passive against Agen, knew how to do well to recover from three refused tests and win in extremis (13-12), Saturday at the opening of the 13th day of Top 14 from which it resumed temporarily the head.

An attempt by Xavier Chiocci registered six minutes before the end following a penalouche tipped this indecisive part in favor of LOU, who returned to winning away after three consecutive losses away from Gerland.

Pierre Mignoni's men, led 12-0 at the break, long without solution, clumsy (12 in front) and deficient in touch, showed a sacred character. And it was necessary to digest these seven minutes at the start of the second half during which they entered three tries, all invalidated by the video.

For its part, the SUA missed a big blow against the championship dolphin. Dominators in conquest, put into orbit by a quick penalty test, then a rather contentious test but validated by the refereeing body, the Agenais finally yielded for the fourth time this season to Armandie under pressure from visitors after a second one-way period.

The defensive bonus collected is a small consolation for the men of Christophe Laussucq who have not known the victory since October 19 (27-14 against the French Stadium).

However, everything had started well for the current barragiste in need of points and rewarded with an act of anti-play by Pelissie voluntarily sending the ball into touch to Sadie's nose and beard. Mr. Ruiz then applied the double sanction, yellow card and penalty test (5).

On a bad day, the Lyon scrum half was countered, on his return, by Briatte, the Colombian taking advantage to score (12-0, 23).

The LOU then started a handicap race. And these were numerous for the Rhodaniens, deprived of ammunition in touch and of a great clumsiness in the current game. Their salvation came from their bench, in particular from their opener Wisniewski who unlocked their points counter (50) when the video in turn refused the tests of Tuisova (47), Cretin (53) and Wulf (54).

By dint of pushing, Lyon managed to bend the local fray. Wisniewski narrowed the gap a little more (12-6, 64) before the visitor pack finally sent Chiocci behind the line. Like a relief.

© 2020 AFP

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