Teller Report

The Government of Pedro Sánchez declares "enemies" to judges and critical media

1/4/2020, 8:46:20 PM

& laquo; We do not move more division to the street, that ladies and gentlemen is also patriotism & raquo ;. This is how Pedro Sánchez ended his speech before the Congress on the first day of the session

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"We do not move more division to the street, that ladies and gentlemen is also patriotism." This is how Pedro Sánchez ended his speech before Congress on Saturday on the first day of the investiture session. The anger was not outside but inside. If not for the respect to the procedure, because the rest of the political groups must be pronounced, with what was seen the debate could be terminated. PSOE and Unidos Podemos and the rest of the parties that will vote in favor of the Coalition Government of Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias -PNV, Más País, Compromís, Teruel Existe, Nueva Canarias and the BNG- are sure that on Tuesday, in the second vote , the socialist candidate will be elected president of the Government. Sánchez is guaranteed after Saturday's smoke dispersed in the last hours: ERC will abstain. The smiles, the intensity of the applause in the chamber had a meaning.

While the Spaniards followed their own, engaged in the purchases of Kings or simply resting, Spain opens a new political stage. In the next few days, Iglesias will become vice president and the new Executive will constitute a bilateral dialogue table with the Generalitat to seek a solution to the «political conflict» in Catalonia , which will be validated later in a consultation.

The best synthesis of the moment that the country is going through was offered by the Canarian Coalition deputy, Ana Oramas , who also announced that she will not abstain and vote against, skipping the discipline of her party. The designation of Sanchez will be even more tight, 167 votes against 165. Oramas, who reproached the future president to pacify "with those who proclaimed the Catalan Republic", defended that "we have been doing bad politics in Spain and that the parties have left to take care of the citizens, but never this absurdity that stars the constitutionalist left and that allows the right by electoral selfishness ».

The deputy of the Cantabria Regionalist Party (PRC), José María Mazón, the only formation that supported the PSOE in the failed investiture of July, also reproached him for the "humiliation that for many Spaniards" has meant the agreement with ERC because they "expect a Government that defends them ». Both CC and PRC have reached agreements with the PSOE in these years.

This is the beginning of a legislature arising from a second election that Sanchez went to not have Podemos in the Council of Ministers and not depend on the independence. The result is that there will be four 'purple' ministers and that Sanchez has not been able to make more gestures to please independence. So many that although the ERC spokesman, Gabriel Rufían, reminded him yesterday of his "blows" immediately forgave them to justify that the cause is the increase of the "extreme right."

The disqualification of the opponent continues to mark Spanish politics. He was portrayed in the tough debate between Sánchez and the opposition leader, Pablo Casado. The popular leader, in an intervention plagued by disqualifications, undressed the president and his contradictions: «Today Spain runs out of constitutionalist socialism, and you are responsible». And he replied that if the political situation seems so "terrifying" it is still time to abstain. The tension between the two anticipates a difficult collaboration between the two main parties and the return to the confrontation of blocs, with the novelty that the political action of the new progressive coalition is in the hands of what ERC says. Rufián was crystalline: "If there is no table there is no legislature."

But the one who made the most effort to contribute to Frentismo was Pablo Iglesias. The recent transformation from radical leader to social democratic vice president was paralyzed yesterday. The leader of Podemos did not leave a single slogan to attack the PP, who accused of recovering "the discourse of anti-Spain," "the dictatorship, which killed thousands of compatriots" and "destroyed democracy."

And far from seeking complicity, he predicted that "the next government will have many enemies" among which it placed "economic powers with its media arms." He also hinted that there may be judges who put their "reactionary ideology" before the new Executive.

The legislature was also inaugurated with the thanks of Iglesias to those who "from prison" have contributed to the agreement with ERC, in reference to Oriol Junqueras. Sanchez later ratified it: "There have been" many people in the back room for things to come to fruition. "

According to the spokeswoman for Citizens, Inés Arrimadas, "a historic day but not for good." "It's not worth PSOE," he said.

The justification of the socialist leader is that he has no choice, that "the composition of Parliament" has not chosen him. It is precisely the weakness of its majority that now leads to finally embrace the search for exits the "Catalan political dispute" and to do so, he promised, "with all the constitutional loyalty and with all the institutional responsibility." Not without first blaming the PP for the current situation "for abandoning the political route." It is necessary, he said, "to recover the path of politics leaving behind the judicialization of the conflict." "Recommend," he said, at the point where mutual grievances began to accumulate.

The candidate avoided explaining about the dialogue table agreed between the State and the Generalitat but described it as "good news" and said, looking for a parallel, that bodies such as the Conference of Presidents do not have "constitutional anchoring". In another of his interventions he justified that other Statutes, not only that of Catalonia, include mechanisms such as the bilateral table or the public consultation. The biggest news, yesterday, was that the president took it for granted that this consultation will be held. It will be, he said, "to vote an agreement, not a break, not a bankruptcy."

Detail of the hands and speech of Pedro Sánchez, yesterday during his speech.


  • Constitution After placing the bilateral negotiation with Catalonia - agreed with ERC in exchange for its abstention - in the "democratic legal system" or the "legal-political system", Pedro Sánchez made an effort yesterday to relocate himself, if only for some moments, within the framework of the Constitution. «We are going to create a bilateral dialogue table between the Government of Spain and the Government of the Generalitat. We will create it, we will debate within the constitutional framework »; «We have to go back to the only possible way: politics. The dialogue, negotiation and pact. Protected by our Constitution ».
  • Law But in his almost two hours of speech, there were times when he again placed the margin of performance of his Executive in the legal framework. «We all know that dialogue is necessary. That the dialogue must start from the recognition of the other. From attention to your reasons. That there is no other way to solve this dispute. There is no other way than through a dialogue that develops within the Law. The law alone is not enough either, and we have seen it. The Law is the condition, dialogue is the way ». An ambiguity, that of combining the constitutional and legal framework, which was made clear by stating: «If we want to start working honestly, let's start from these two premises: let's open an honest dialogue, protected by the security granted by our legal framework» . A framework, the legal one, more feasible of changes than the constitutional one.
  • Identities However, the socialist candidate has taken advantage of the "constitutional framework" to legitimize the claims of Catalonia and the Basque Country regarding their status, endorsing the "national identities". “Our Constitution in its title VIII has allowed silenced territories for decades to finally have a clear voice. It has allowed the free development of national identities within our constitutional framework. Spain has profiled as it is, plural, diverse and democratic, complete with nuances that enrich us all ». For Sánchez, one of the "great challenges of our time" is "knowing how to understand each other and knowing and respecting and recognizing ourselves in the diversity of identities our nation has." Therefore, he asked for «the institutional arrangement of the diversity of identities that our country has».
  • Dejudicialize The bet of the next Government of the PSOE and Unidos Podemos is the dialogue, abandoning the judicial path regarding the Catalan conflict. «To resume the path of politics, leaving behind the judicialization of the conflict», summarized Sánchez. «Return a political conflict to politics. Allowing, with it, to leave behind the judicial drift that so much pain and so much fracture has caused in good part of the Catalan and Spanish citizenship ».
  • According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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    • Spain
    • ERC
    • PSOE
    • Catalonia
    • Pedro Sanchez
    • Pablo Iglesias
    • United We Can
    • We can
    • PP
    • PNV
    • Pablo Casado
    • Regionalist Party of Cantabria
    • Basque Country
    • Teruel There
    • Congress of Deputies
    • BNG
    • Citizens
    • Canary Coalition
    • Commitment
    • Gabriel Rufián
    • Inés Arrimadas
    • More Country
    • New Canary
    • Oriol Junqueras
    • President's Investiture

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    SpainThe BNG will vote in favor of the investiture and facilitates the path of Pedro Sánchez

    Investidura The PSOE trusts that ERC will continue to support Sánchez

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