Teller Report

Pompeo held telephone conversations with Netanyahu

1/4/2020, 8:52:26 PM

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed in a telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu provocations from Iran.

"Secretary of State Michael Pompeo today spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the situation in Iraq, as well as Iran’s ongoing provocations and threats to the region," the State Department website said in a statement.

It is noted that Pompeo stressed the determination of the Trump administration to protect "American interests, personnel, facilities and partners."

Earlier, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “an arrogant clown” in response to his statement about the alleged joy of the Iraqi people in the murder in Baghdad of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Kassem Suleimani.

Iranian general Suleymanib was killed in a U.S. missile attack on the night of January 3 near Baghdad airport.

The Acting Prime Minister of Iraq, Adele Abdel Mahdi, has declared three days of mourning in the country in connection with the assassination by the US military of Suleymani and the deputy head of the Iraqi Shiite militia, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.