Teller Report

DNR will provide financial assistance to participants in the exchange of prisoners

1/4/2020, 8:25:20 PM

The Commissioner for Human Rights in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, Daria Morozova, said that the DPR authorities would provide one-time financial assistance and provide places of residence for those who were released during the exchange of prisoners between Donbass and Kiev.

It is reported by the Donetsk news agency.

“At the end of the medical examination, for all people who do not have their own housing in the territory of the Donetsk Republic, they have already prepared accommodation with all the necessary conditions, in addition, one of the people who returned during the exchange will be allocated one-time financial assistance,” said Morozova .

On December 29, an exchange of prisoners took place between Kiev and the self-proclaimed Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky thanked the leaders of the "Norman Four" after the exchange of prisoners in the Donbass.