Teller Report

Video showing French Slip employees dressed in black shock

1/3/2020, 5:52:42 PM

The textile company Le Slip Français reacted this Friday, saying "firmly condemn these acts"

A video posted on social networks showing employees of the textile company Le Slip Français, grimé in black, provoked outrage. - PATRICK BERNARD / AFP

Many internet users have called for a boycott of the textile company Le Slip Français after posting a video on social networks this Friday, showing employees of the company dressed in black.

Shot on a private party on an unspecified date and revealed by the Instagram account “Décolonisons-nous”, this Friday, the video has been viewed more than 37,000 times since it was put online.

A second video posted

We see two women and a man there. The man at times imitates a monkey against the background of music playing Saga Africa, while one of the women is made up in black, under the laughter of the third person. A video of the same evening is also circulating on Twitter, where it has been shared more than ten thousand times since it went online on Thursday evening. According to the account "Décolonisons-nous", the video shows several employees of the company Le Slip Français, a company created in 2011 and which today employs more than 200 people, according to its website.

In response, the Paris-based company released a statement on Friday in which it said it was shocked, and said it "strongly condemns these acts". "The employees concerned have been summoned and sanctioned by the management of the French Slip," added the company in its press release. Guillaume Gibault, the founder of Le Slip Français, said he was "shaken" by the event, and said that the two employees concerned were summoned and laid off as a precaution on Friday. “Morally, it is contrary to our values. We denounce these acts (…) We were very firm with them, ”he said.

Our position following the facts published in recent days on social networks.

- Le Slip Français (@LeSlipFrancais) January 3, 2020

"This kind of behavior has no place in our team"

After the publication of the video on a first account on January 1, "we reacted immediately," detailed Guillaume Gibault. “In a context where things are going very fast, we do our best to be very firm. This kind of behavior has no place in our team and in our approach, it is not our values, "he continued, indicating that he would consider setting up an" awareness program on these subjects. ".

Guillaume Gibault also clarified that the company gathered all of its employees Friday morning to remind "the values ​​of openness" carried by his company. He also said that he met with Dominique Sopo, the president of the SOS Racisme association, on Friday. Le Slip Français, a brand of underwear made in France, which has made itself known in particular on social networks, claims on its site to aim for a “positive impact, both societal and environmental”.


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